MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
15338 results found
Trying to Launch the game
Every time that I try to launch the Arena, this message appears to me.
I've already uptaded the game, but this message continues.
How can i fixed?7 votes -
March of Reckless Joy Bugged
The cards exiled by March of Reckless Joy are not playable on the next turn but only on the turn cast, contrary to the card text.
8 votes -
Sparky crashes since this morning
Sparky crashes ... It freezes when it begin to think with the "hmmm" in the buble ...
23 votes -
Update Historic Brawl Ban List
The current Ban List does not include Ugin, The Spirit Dragin, but he is banned in historic Brawl. Please update the ban lists on the site.
5 votes -
Can't buy gems or welcome bundle in the Store, keep getting Temporary Error 2001
I have been trying to buy Welcome Bundle in the MTG Arena Store for days, but I keep getting temporary error 2001. I have tried contacting Xsolla, but haven't heard back from them for four days...
I am pretty sure problem is not with my credit card, since just today I bought a game from steam with the same card.
EDIT: I downloaded MTG arena to my android, and bought welcome bundle there. However, this does not fix the issue that I can't make purchases in my computer. This is just a workaround.
18 votes -
Game Crash - Automatic Loss Issued Upon Restart
I was playing the second game of the first match of my traditional sealed event when the game crashed while I was attacking my opponent in a favorable board state. I restarted the game but I was not allowed to return to the game. Instead of that, I saw neither the win nor the loss in my event score. However, after restarting the game a second time I could not enter the game and a loss had been added to my score.
8 votes -
Timer abuse bug
Just encountered an exploit where the timer isn’t running out because my opponent plays a spell when the fuse comes up and the fuse drops. Their turn is currently at 10 minutes long.
10 votes -
Invalid Loss in Premier Draft
My Account "Raithwalker#85179" experienced a loss in game four of a Premier Draft that should not have occurred. If possible, please review game logs on your end to see that loss occurred during opponent's upkeep phase erroneously with no card in play that could have facilitated the loss. Would be happy to discuss over email or phone, but do not have logs saved
8 votes -
Direct Challenge and Friend Challenge bugged
The only way to challenge friends is via Direct Challenge and you both have to issue a challenge and know each other's name. Clicking on the Silhouette in the lower left hand corner and issuing a challenge don't work anymore and hasn't since the last two updates. I have tested this on both desktop computer and mobile phone.
61 votes -
1,500ジェムの補償請求をします。8 votes -
Exchange wildcard for wildcard
Would be nice if we can exchange 5 wildcard for 1 greater wildcard (5 common for 1 uncommon, 5 uncommon for 1 rare, 5 rare for 1 mythic).
And the opposite would be nice too! (1 mythic for 2 rare, 1 rare for 2 uncommon, 1 uncommon for 2 common).
7 votes -
Slow loading
Slow Load, stuck on "Loading Initial Scene". I'm on a 2021 Mac Mini, SSD, and yet it takes minutes to load. It really shouldn't be this slow.
7 votes -
BOT replay
After the completion of a BOT game, permit a replay using the same decks. This will permit an opportunity to change tactics to better understand the workings of the deck.
7 votes -
Unable to join event on White Challenge V
Unable to join event on White Challenge V
9 votes -
your game is ****! its ******* rigged and im ******* sick and tired of getting put against hard counters
your game is *! its **** rigged and im ******* sick and tired of getting put against hard counters and top decking 20 ******* lands or starting out with two lands and by turn 10 still two lands. ********
9 votes -
Friendly Brawl not playable
Whenever I try to challenge my friends to Friendly Brawl, it switches to 60 card Alchemy and won't let me select any of my decks. This happens with me challenging them, them challenging me, and challenging other random people.
11 votes -
Alchemy is bad for business
I've spent at least $50 per standard set on MTGA for the last couple of years. I will no longer be spending money on this game until digital only/alchemy cards are removed from the game and MTG once again only contains cards which are identical to their paper counterparts.
Thank you
10 votes -
purchase not given.
I tried to purchase the daily special of one pack of cards, but was not given the pack. The store said that it was purchased, but I did not get the pack. Rip-off!
14 votes -
Game frozen on Android
Game freezes sometimes during gameplay, it started happening after kamigawa release, im on Android with Samsung galaxy s20+. Only way to fix is to kill The app and re-open it.
8 votes -
Game Loss due to Opponent Combo off
Game timed out for me while opponent combo’ed off, lost when it went to my turn see linked video. I had zero response was on auto pass for opponents turn, timer started timing out for me, opponent finishes combo and turn my turn starts and I can’t respond to anything game auto selects demonic pact trigger targeting myself.
15 votes
- Don't see your idea?