MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
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15373 results found
MTGA is crashing very often
MTGA is crashing every time I play.
It may be during a draft or a match.It crashes often when I want to start a match. When my opponent is found, a new window "game crash". I have to restart MTGA and sometimes the match is already lost. Today it crashed at the end of game 1 before sideboarding and I never could log again.
7 votes -
MTG Arena si blocca il gioco ma il timer del turno non si azzera
MTG Arena si blocca il gioco ma il timer del turno non si azzera
9 votes -
91 votes
Mulligan smoothing does not properly account for 'X' CMC cards
I'm aware that Arena has a 'smoothing' algorithm designed to reduce the chance of mulligans by giving players a better chance to have a starting hand containing the nearest number of lands to their CMC, but I've noticed that this doesn't properly account for 'X' CMC cards.
I've been playing a simic ramp deck at my local game store for quite some time now and had been having no problems with starting hands (I'd mulligan in around half of the games I played, rarely more than once, but that seemed fairly normal), but when I replicated the deck on arena…
5 votes -
can not mute players
The mute function stops working after the first game now. After the last update mute no longer works correctly in that after the first game that one mutes a player the mute button stays on mute for the next game but does not mute the next player at all. In the game after a player is muted the new opponent still can post emote and their pet is still active, the option for unmute only available. Clicking unmute in an attempt to mute again does
note do anything.12 votes -
Game crashes afte animation
Game Crash after Animations of some cards like Nicol Bolas Dragon -3..
5 votes -
Card style going on and off
I have Yidaro's alternative card style applied in my deck, but as you can see in the screenshot, the card style keeps going on and off during the game.
8 votes -
network connection
I completed the player draft portion of my event and now when I click play to play my first game I get a "Network Error" "Unable to join event. Try again later."
5 votes -
Option to disable or more efficient card shuffling ANIMATION
When playing with 250 cards or more, it the shuffling animation does freeze the game for quite a while.
Give us an option to disable this animation or just make sure it doesn't actually load in every card, so the deck size doesn't matter on the process.
I'm sure you find a neat way :)
5 votes -
Cannot update, unistall, or reinstall
Update doesn't work. Comes back with error message. Tried to unistall and my computer can't find the patch files so I cant uninstall. I can't reinstall either.
14 votes -
Lag Freeze when searching Library - see video posted of the event taking place!
problems [multiple]
1. huge lag while playing [rank] and searching library, lost many games because my time ran out while it was 'restacking my deck or some other useless animation, or just stays frozen all together and come back to being 'defeated'
2. while mulligan, im having to wait until their animation or mine ends b4 i am allowed to remuligan
3. even if they have not mulliganed.... i must watch all of my own restacking of my deck animation prior to being able to remulligan...plz... ffs, take care of this issue b4 adding any extra fluff to the…
43 votes -
Banned card played in standard que
I was playing a standard que a few minutes ago, and my opponent played field of the dead. I do now know how they did so, but to the extent of my knowledge that card is banned and should not be played.
I have attached the log report an a picture of the field in question, and would like to request a refund of the standard event.
11 votes -
Game crashes before and after every game
Every single game I play the game crashes on me either while it tries to find a match, right after I am paired, or very early on in the game. If The game reloads fast enough, i get to make a mulligan decision, but sometimes I lose an entire turn.
When the game ends, it crashes again and I have to reset before I can see any rewards or whatever else.
38 votes -
Server Lag in Game
Game lagged out in game. Couldn't play on my turn and got roped.
83 votes -
Ranked points missing
Hi. I played two ranked games recently and I won. But they didn't give me the score in my profile. It's totally bugged. I want it back pls
13 votes -
8 votes
Fullscreen is actually Borderless Windowed Mode
As the title says, it is obvious that the Fullscreen Option actually enables Borderless Windowed Mode. There is no actual Fullscreen option. This can be seen by either alt-tabbing (which happens instantly, not possible in actual fullscreen) or by minimizing another window, which shows Arena behind it, proving that it is running in a window. I really don't get why this is a thing.
7 votes -
DIsconnect During draft, again... lost 3000 gems for bugs
DIsconnect During draft, again... lost 3000 gems for bugs
please fix it23 votes -
No priority after blockers/before combat damage
Had Tymaret, Chosen from Death on the battlefield and my opponent swung with a creature that would be lethal.
I meant to assign blockers (blocking what I could) and activate tymaret before damage was dealt to survive, but as soon as I declared blockers the game proceeded to damage step and I died before getting priority again.10 votes -
Mirror march broken
Mirror march, the red flip a coin enchantment is not working properly...
I am frequently flipping more coins than i am getting creatures tokens.
ill very clearly flip 7 coins for a single stack of Mirror march, being the last one the loser as the card states... then only get 2 tokens.
Most of the time I'll only get 1 or 2 successes on each stack of mirror march, and in those cases, i'll usually get 1 or 2 creature token copies, but when i flip more than 2 success per stack of mirror march, i NEVER get the…8 votes
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