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14668 results found

  1. ドラフトの対戦中にフリーズ


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  2. no mastery experience for daily wins

    After the update today, I'm not receiving mastery experience for daily wins. I got wins 9-14 and the whole time my mastery tree was sitting at 975/1000 xp and never went up after the wins.

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  3. when i have The Ozolith on the field with no creatures the game forces me to place the counters on the opponents creatures.

    When there are counters on ozolith but i don't have creatures, it forces me to put the counters on the opponents creatures. this needs to be fixed. its happened to me several times.

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  4. Unable to sideboard, "Done" has no effect, game continues after timeout

    Unable to sideboard. "Done" button does nothing. Deck contains no cards. Timer freezes. Can switch to battlefield with "View Battlefield".
    Game continues after timeout (can be seen in battlefield view)
    In sideboarding view program variable names appear like "Username1" " LongUserName" and under deck name "{currentQuantity}/{expectedQuantity}"

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  5. Companion Lurrus: Can´t sideboard in permanents with CMC 3 or up

    I´m playing the following deck:

    1 Lurrus aus der Traumhöhle (IKO) 226

    4 Ajanis Rudelmitglied (WAR) 4
    3 Daxos der Sonnengesegnete (THB) 9
    1 Schattenspeer (THB) 236
    2 Pazifismus (M20) 32
    3 Düstermond-Vampirin (M20) 120
    7 Sumpf (WAR) 258
    3 Falke des Heilers (GRN) 14
    4 Alseide der Lebensfülle (THB) 1
    2 Überraschender Biss (IKO) 102
    1 Tymaret, Auserwählter des Todes (THB) 119
    3 Grausame Zelebrantin (WAR) 188
    2 Kasteiung (RNA) 192
    1 Gottloser Schrein (RNA) 248
    4 Verlassene Ödnis (M20) 251
    2 Orzhov-Gildeneingang (RNA) 253
    2 Hoffnungsschimmer (GRN) 8
    2 Licht der Hoffnung (IKO) 20
    1 Existenz…

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  6. Titans Nest

    Dear WOTC,

    I tried out Titans Nest today and lost matches due to time out because it just takes too long to manually exile cards to produce mana. Can you please improve the handling in game of this card.

    Thanks a lot

    A MTG Fan

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  7. Mutate Mana Cost

    Mutate Mana Cost don't change on the card, only the normal mana cost... the effect is apply normal but the mutate mana cost doesn't

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  8. Stuck at waiting for server

    Whenever I try to login using my account, the launcher will go through preparing assets then it will give me an orange spinning ring that says waiting for server.

    My Husband also has MTGA so I had him see if his game works, it does. his works fine on his computer. Except if i try to login on his computer it prepares assets then gets stuck at waiting for server again.

    I spent 3 days going back and forth with tech support, changing settings, uninstalling, reinstalling, using different internet connections. They checked to make sure I don't have any bans…

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  9. skipping phases of the game when it shouldnt

    take a look at my log. the game completely skipped my last phase after combat even though my planeswalker can still use an ability to kill his card he just flashed in.

    not cool. why is the game skipping whole phases?

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  10. counters not working on creatures.

    it happened twice already to me and cost me both matches. my essence scatter countering broodmother. it will asked are you sure? when you click yes the spell will still resolve. same with another spell i countered it ask me if im sure i want to counter then the spell resolve. it also happened with my frilled mystic. please address this bug it cost me more matches today. should,ve been mythic now if those spells didn't bug.

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  11. Connection issues during draft games

    In the last two days i lost 3 draft games due to connection issues.
    Once the game froze as soon as i hit the "play" button and i found an opponent.
    Another time my opponent went for a double block, i pressed pass to damage and the game froze.
    Another time the game crashed during sideboarding.
    I feel like i should have one draft refunded, since 3 games equals a draft, but i even more hope that you manage to solve these issues.
    Hope those log files can help, even though i don't know if they are accurate.

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  12. auto skipping main phase issue

    so I am on my main phase, with a Goblin Electromancer on field. i am about to cast my 3rd instant/sorcery this turn for Phoenix in my graveyard trigger, i still have one drop of mana, discover cost 2 but with decrease from Goblin Electromancer i should be able to cast it. however it auto skipped my main phase to battle phase that i missed the trigger timing for phoenix.
    log attached. please help.

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  13. Can't Sideboard

    Sideboarding with Keruga has no effect.

    Btw games 1 and 2, and 2 and 3, I switch cards btw my sideboard and main deck like normal. Cards I sideboarded out get drawn, cards I sided in are never seen. This is happening in ranked and in traditional standard events.

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  14. Draft lost

    Disconnect during draft. A lost one draft e one sealed. 10.000 gold e 2.000 diamonds.

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  15. Brokkos Interaction with Nissa

    When mutating on a 0/0 Elemental Land with 3 +1/+1 counters on it created by Nissa Who Shakes the World, Brokkos, Apex of Forever turns into a 0/0, even though he mutates on top. He should be a 6/6 with 3 +1/+1 counters.

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  16. Sparky freezes

    Bug since last extension went on and while playing direct match with Sparky. If you're playing a deck including "Brideciel allègre" (in french) Sparky is unable to play instants that would involve a mana cost adjustment and the game freezes. All we can do to resolve this is to leave the game.

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  17. Fix the matchmaker or I'm done spending money on this game.

    I'm serious, it's so obvious that losses only occur back to back to back and the matchmaker clearly favors topdecking whoever it wants to win. It's total *****.
    Stop trying to rig it to discourage people to get their dailies. Or I'm totally done. Ask Marvel how the whole, 'bye Felicia' to your customers works out for book sales.
    **** too buddy.

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  18. Couldn't block mutated menace creature

    Hi guys,

    Just encountered an issue where I couldn't block a menace creature with two creatures that had mutated. Each time I selected two creatures and clicked on the Glowstone Recluse with a menace counter a message would show up for a spit second saying "Illegal blocks. Try again.". I tried this numerous times over subsequent turns however it would never let me block the creature. I've attached a screen recording of what was happening, and given that the message only appears for a split second and the number of checks I did, I believe this to be a bug.

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  19. Losing connection to server

    I am having regular issues with the game freezing, and connection being lost to the server.

    Sometimes the connection is regained and the game continues, other times the game recognises that connection has been lost and disconnects me from the game (can be real great when I'm losing, but real frustrating when I'm winning), other times the game stays frozen, and I often have to restart arena and lose the game.

    I've tried troubleshooting the network on my end, and there don't seem to be any issues. I have a strong connection with good speeds.

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  20. Card style going on and off

    I have Yidaro's alternative card style applied in my deck, but as you can see in the screenshot, the card style keeps going on and off during the game.

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