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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

4.       Enter the expected results of the feature

5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1319 results found

  1. 9 votes

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  2. I can't edit any decks.

    Since the update today, I can no longer update any of my decks. When I go to edit deck it just stays frozen on the "Waiting for Server..." screen.

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  3. Missing Rewards Mastery Pass Duskmourn

    I am missing some rewards from the Mastery Pass, esp. the 2000 gold coins (19) and the 400 gems (27, 38). Maybe some others, which I did not further check. Version 2024.42.10.6988.1099041

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  4. 14 votes

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  5. Unable to interact with the game at all except to play matches

    Game crashes if I hover over the quests, try to enter the store, open packs, etc. Essentially all the game allows me to do without it going unresponsive is to play matches.

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  6. Theros

    Theros Nyx full art lands are not longer available in the Basic land style pool.

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  7. Constant crashes experienced when trying to acces or change decks.

    1. Load up MTGA
    2. Using windows laptop
    3. When accessing either ranked or standard play game, should be able to change decks. 3a. When accessing decks section of website, should be able to access all previously built decks.
    4. When trying to change decks on either of the above points an error message is received advising "MTGA.exe. is not responding.
    5. Screenshots attached
    6. No workaround found, although you can still play the deck that is showing.
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  8. Crash every 3 minutes on PC

    MTGA crashes every 3 minutes. I'm playing on PC with win 10.
    When I click on the store, MTGA crashes too

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  9. Window minimization

    At the beginning and end of every match the game switches from fullscreen to windowed mode.

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  10. Daily quest does not register XP on the mastery pass track

    I completed a 500 Daily quest but it does not register the XP on the mastery pass track.

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  11. error updating data

    after the last update on march 5 with the relase of alchemy karlov manor i keep receiveng the message of ''error updating data'' i tried to reestart my internet, didnt work, tried to delete and donwload the game again still didnt worked, and this error keeps ocurring in my mobile as well, please solve this problem as fast as you can.

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  12. UI interaction causes crash

    After the newest 9gb update, any time I open the game (on Windows), hovering over any interactable element in the UI causes the game to crash. Uninstalling and reinstalling has had no effect on the issue. It goes without saying, but the game is completely unplayable.

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  13. MTGA crashes

    Since the latest update earlier this mtg arena keeps crashing repeatedly after seconds to a few minutes using it.
    i play mtga on mac via epic games.
    i add a log i captured on arena after restarting immediately after a crash.
    i already tried deinstalling an reinstalling arena and the epic client.
    when shutting down arena i receive the following error report (full report to long):

    Process: MTGA [24946]
    Path: /Users/Shared/*/
    Identifier: com.wizards.mtga
    Version: 2024.40.30 (0)
    Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process: EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping [24357]
    User ID: 501

    Date/Time: 2024-09-15 14:08:50.1156 +0200
    OS Version: macOS 13.6.9 (22G830)
    Report Version: 12

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  14. Tiny Bones Sleeve

    Since the last update, the Tiny Bones bundle sleeve is just missing. Doesn't show anywhere in the game. I just left with a standard placeholder.

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  15. The program MTGA.exe version 2022.3.42.52074 stopped interacting with Windows and was closed.

    Since the recent update, the application crashes frequently throwing Microsoft COM exceptions. It is concerning that the Arena status page shows all platforms as operational with no reported incidents today when this is clearly not the case.

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  16. updating data

    It says : "Error Updating Data - Please check your connection and try again".

    after a new patch launched on Jan 26th.

    I think this is a bug.

    Thank you for your time and patience

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  17. MTGA Crashes after doing specific actions (Mac)

    After the latest maintenance, MTGA has been crashing for me. Immediately after the maintenance and up until the mini-patch which customer support informed me of, this had included graphical glitches of flashing and noise across the screen. After that patch, things have improved, but certainly have not been fixed.

    In order to trigger the crash, I've been able to consistently reproduce it by hovering over a daily quest as if to reroll it (this will cause a crash even if you don't have the reroll available) or by entering the traditional draft event (where you would pay to buy a…

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  18. Need of Professional pedicure tools

    Yesterday, I am thinking about upgrading my nail care routine and want to invest in professional manicure and pedicure tools. I am looking for high-quality tools that are durable, easy to use, and provide salon-like results at home. Do you recommend a good set or brand for these tools?

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  19. Room unlocking \ entering sounds playing constantly

    The SFX for unlocking a Room play constantly, whenever I take any action after a Room enchantment was played by my opponent and then a second one with the same name and door unlocked was played.
    The sound started playing for almost each action as soon as the Rooms stacked on each other. This includes just targeting the room with my mouse, assigning attackers, casting creatures or spells targeting a creature.
    It seems that each additional Room in such stack makes an additional sound, making the issue even worse.

    Repro: 10/10
    1. Play a game with multiple copies of the…

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  20. Spike shell servo pet does not respect mute setting

    The new Spikeshell Servo pet has a very annoying zoom animation and loud sound. Every other pet can have its sound muted and movement stopped by muting the other player. (Even fairies with their constant high pitched fluttering.)

    But its zip sound and screen crossing animation still play even when the other player is muted.

    Even better, add a gameplay setting to totally disable pets for all games. They are more annoying and distracting to me, than I enjoy tapping them.

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