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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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2001 results found

  1. Missing Parallax Style for THB Soul-Guide Lantern

    Ever since the latest update, I noticed that the parallax style for Soul-Guide Lantern from Theros Beyond Death is missing. The one from WOE is not affected, but I don’t own the style + prefer the THB art. I’ve attached a screenshot showing how the other THB cards have the arrow at the side to choose parallax styles but not for Soul-Guide Lantern.

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  2. Bug with golden packs

    I have had it a few times now that when I get a golden pack it mentions that the cards i get are the first time I get them.
    But that is not always true. Just now I received a golden pack and it contained 2 cards i already had in my collection.
    Ghalta Stampede Tyrant and Battlefield Forge.
    Why does it say first, when I already have them in my collection?

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  3. non-format

    I have multiple decks with the following issue:
    * In the deckbuilder screen, under My Decks, they are listed as having non-format cards. I get the yellow triangle with the number.
    * If I change "All Decks" in the upper left to "Standard", these decks are filtered out.
    * However if I queue for a Standard match -- Ranked, Unranked, Bo1 or Bo3 -- these decks are available for play.

    I'm not sure where the bug is. I believe these decks should be Standard-legal so I think it's a bug with the Deckbuilder?

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  4. Deck image set to last card looked at

    On Mobile, on android, when I edit a deck, it will change the image on the deck "box" to be whatever the last card I viewed was, regardless of it being in the deck or not. I did not drag it over the deck to apply the image, all I did was tap and hold on the card in my collection, not in the deck.

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  5. lurrus

    Decks with Lurrus of the Dream-Den as a companion are still able to have cards in their starting deck with CMC 3 or more when playing in Historic. I've played against this at least twice now and just did it myself to test it.

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  6. cards no there

    map disappear in the current extension if you are in the old western style not via word search + change format

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  7. Unpacking ***** Against Humanity, again

    I've already have a full collection of the (SAH) ***** Against Humanity cards, I've made multiple brawl decks with 20-30+ copies of it, but in the last 3 Karlov Manor packs I've opened, I've gotten more copies of that same card

    I feel like I'm being scammed out of a card since I've no use for the 252nd version of it given the deck size limit.
    Is it a bug since Arena sees we can have infinite copies of SAH? In which the collection and pack opening will never check off that a player has the maximum copies of the…

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  8. Possible cards to be tried in a deck attached to an already working fully built decklist

    Attached list of cards to try in a deck that you haven’t had deck list room or wildcards to try out yet.

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  9. cards

    Cards from opened packs marked new when they aren't.

    When I open new packs earned or purchased in the store cards are marked new even though I already have them in my collection. Sometimes when I already have four copies. This started happening after the last update to Ixalan. FYI, I'm playing on a PC
    I would expect that the system would recognize when I already have one or more cards and not note them as new when packs are opened.

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  10. MTG Arena and Reprints

    Hey guys! I recently came into a dilemma while returning to arena that I think should be addressed and could possible help flow of certain collection cases. Anyway, I’ve played Arena for almost its entire life span, a proud beta veteran lol! And As you know Magic is an ever coming and going experience sometimes In terms of real life and sometimes we come back to feel the nostalgia or see the new sets, etc. In returning to Outlaws and playing the new cards (amazing set by the way) I noticed a card called terror of the peaks I was…

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  11. Card style not a card style

    I just bought a card style for 3300 gold! "card style" that is what it said in the store. BUT it is NOT a card style! It is a NEW copy of the creature and I am supposed to waste 4 wildcards on it now to craft it!

    Why are you so incredible incompetent and stupid??? How can you ***** something like that up without getting fired???

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  12. The Prosperity Cards

    As of today I cannot choose the new „The Prosperity …“ Cards to play in my decks. It may be a bug with my account, because I cannot choose them in any format.

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  13. Can’t Access Alternate Art

    I purchased the Enchanting Tales version of Omniscience for use in my Timeless deck, but I am unable to change the art from the default. I went through the normal steps I would go through to change to borderless, but the art won’t change. It worked fine purchasing and changing Dig Through Time, but not Omniscience. Playing on iOS.

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  14. Allow Token Style Selection just like cards

    Please allow us to pick from existing token "styles" when building a deck, just as we do for card styles. You could even monetize it and I'd be ok with it.

    This could go a few ways: only "same" (like only zombie tokens can be swapped for art on zombie tokens) or possibly "similar" (zombie swap for zombie rogue, possibly peasant for citizen, etc)

    A few examples of why I want this are...
    - Outlaws of Thunder Junction made me excited for a new zombie deck - until I saw the tokens. 5-armed, super buff, lightning ensconced zombies are not…

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  15. Legion's Chant Japanese translation error

    「軍団の詠唱(Legion's Chant)」の日本語版のテキストが「墓地にあるマナ総量がX以下である望む数のクリーチャー・カードを戦場に戻す(Return any number of creatures with mana value X or less from your graveyard to the battlefield)」になっているのですが、実際の効果は「マナ総量がX以下になるように選び、それらを戦場に戻す(Return any number of creature cards with "total" mana value X or less from your graveyard to the battlefield)」になっているようです。

    The text in the Japanese version of "Legion's Chant" is now "Return any number of creatures with mana value X or less from the graveyard. your graveyard to the battlefield)", but the actual effect is "Return any number of creature cards with "total" mana value X or less from your graveyard to the battlefield).

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  16. Gems from MOM packs with uncollected rares

    MOM packs are giving me 20 gems while I still have 5 uncollected rares. The rest of the rares in the set I have 4/4. The uncollected rares are: Essence of Orthodoxy, Interdisciplinary Mascot, Terror of Towashi, Orthion, Hero of Lavabrink, Surrak and Goreclaw. My platform is PC

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  17. Favourite cards not being remembered

    I installed arena on a new PC and it never remembers my favourited cards. Even if I set favouerite lanfd cards, log off and log back on, the game does not remember the favourited land .

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  18. Jump Into Middle Earth Packet Selection

    According to it states "Jump Into Middle-earth will present you with three options for your first packet. At least one option will be a packet you've never selected in a previous run of the event (unless you've selected them all). "

    I've just paid the 1000 gold to start a new run; not only was the first packet one I have previously selected, but so was the second. I even specifically selected the first packet such that the multiple packets I have not yet selected could be present in the 2nd packet selection, based on the color restrictions.


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  19. Favorite Land Card Styles not working

    When I am looking at the deck builder, it allows me to select the default land styles when building a deck. However, my choices aren't saved when I reset the client. It just goes back to the way it was before I selected the styles.

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  20. Golden pack not giving missing rares or mythics

    Per your website describing Golden Packs
    “ If you would receive a card but you have four copies of all cards of that rarity from that Standard-legal set, you will instead receive a card from another Standard-legal set. Only when you have four copies of all cards of that rarity from each set in Standard will cards be replaced by gems.”

    Please explain how I received gems instead of a missing mythic.

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