MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
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574 results found
cant buy gems
I cant buy gems, the page keeps on 'waiting for server' when I have chosen my gem package, it does not go further to the payment page
1 vote -
mythic pack
Same as many players, I bought a mythic pack but I received a rare wildcard as the top card. Is this a bug? If not, how is this a thing?
1 vote -
FDN Pack Bundle Carousel Internal Link Failing
When I click the FDN Pack Bundle carousel item, I get a "Waiting for server" message that never resolves. I end up having to close out of the client and restart. It happens every time I click that particular carousel item. I'm on a Mac.
2 votes -
Welcome Bundle Reward maybe wrong?
Today i bought the Welcome Bundle from the store for 5,99€. In the description it says 2500 gems and 5 foundation packs. I believe i received additional 5 golden packs to the standard reward. Is that a event / standard / or a bug?
Domi1 vote -
BLB pack gave special guest [Ledger shredder] and no mythic/rare. FIX THIS. Please and ty :)
BLB pack gave me a special guest card (Ledger Shredder) and no rare or mythic.
This may have happened previously and I didn't notice it. Please fix this and reimburse me.
4 votes -
Can’t buy anything from the hideaway store even though I have tickets to spend
4 votes -
Purchase land art and missing from catalog
Purchase from store lands that look like computer web browser and I simply cannot find the in my catalog. Purchase with gold when through and I cannot seem to find the lands
1 vote -
Orbs and emotes
Just a bit of feedback. I don't use any cosmetic items (sleeves, avatars, companions, card styles, etc) so it would be great if I could spend my orbs on something else (cards, draft tokens, gems, gold, etc). I bought a playset of Sorin Markov but haven't seen any other non-cosmetic items in the orb shop. I would gladly trade in 10 orbs for one uncommon wildcard.
Also, it would be nice if you started out with more emotes. Being able to exchange a couple words with your opponent can make the game more relaxed and friendly. I haven't been…
3 votes -
bloom burrow mastery orb
I'm almost to the end of the Bloom Burrow Mastery Tree and from what I can see I have two more orbs I can receive, however there are three more card styles to be obtained.
I play on both PC and Android.
Is it designed this way or did I just not receive one Orb somewhere along the way.
Could someone let me know if I'm missing an orb or not?
2 votes -
(( +256759162994)))FORTUNE TELLER INSTANT DEATH SPELL CASTER / REVENGE SPELL/ VOODOO SPELLS IN USA.+256759162994]] I Want my ex to die, I want to kill my enemies, spells to kill enemies, spells to kill my ex-husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, Death spell on someone, death spells that work overnight, death spells for someone to die in an accident. Spells for revenge to cause your enemy to have sleepless nights & frightening dreams. Banish bad dreams & nightmares if someone has cast bad dreams revenge spells. voodoo death spells, voodoo doll spells death spell chant, death spells that work fast, real black magic…
1 vote -
Message aux modérateurs....Message to moderators
Est ce que l'un des employés de cette entreprise peut m'expliquer ce qu'il m'arrive:
Juste en changeant de deck sur le mode Classement, je suis passer de Platine 4 à Diamant 2+3 en 48 heures et que là en l'espace d'une heure
je suis redescendu à Diamant 4 en enchaînant des parties perdues face à des adversaires à la pioche improbable dans l'ordre de la mécanique
de leurs decks et une pioche vraiment désastreuse pour ma part pendant 10 parties d'affilées?Serait ce parce que j'ai décidé de jouer avec un deck qui une bonne côte au classement et que…
1 vote -
Hello and Coucou les modérateurs de ce forum...
Apparament, vous seriez des petits suceptibles de bases, face à la vérité d'être des employés d'une entreprise et d'un groupe qui extorque ses clients en jouant honteusement
sur la FRUSTRATION des joueurs grâce à la manipulation grossiére du matchmaking et de la pioche des cartes.Voilà plus de 5 jours qu'il m'est quasiment impossible de gagner la moindre partie en Standard et en Classement avec des decks que j'utilise quotiennement depuis un bon moment,
je me vois opposer que des decks de base pour demeurés avec des stratégie à 2 tours joués par des payeurs sans une once de connaissance…1 vote -
missing pioneer masters pack
I purchased a single pioneers masters mythic pack and got to unlock my vault. then, when i went back to open my pack, the pack was missing. So, I'm missing a mythic pioneer masters pack.
1 vote -
Urza's Saga Basic Lands
I would like to exchange my hard earned gems and gold for the urza's saga basic lands, please make my holiday season on the name of magic nostalgia.
1 vote -
release code
I played bloomburrow pre release, but my pre release code is not working( i didnt used any before, its my first one). So i tryed another, and for my surprise is not working as well.
3 votes -
Suggestion for improvements
I think it would be beneficial for both players and WOTC if they implemented a weekly discount on gems (payday Fri-sat) which will entice all players to spend, even the ones who don’t usually.
2 votes -
Commentaire destiné aux employés de ce jeux.
ce commentaire s'adresse particuliérement aux employés de chez WoC et de chez HASBRO, dit nous, votre conscience proffessionnelle se porte bien?
Vous n'avez pas de probléme de conscience quand vous allez travailler tous les matins? cela ne vous dérange pas de donner une partie de votre existence au service d'une entreprise
et d'un groupe qui abuse de la frustration des gens pour leurs extorquer de l'argent sur un jeux en ligne en truquant la pioche des cartes et la matchmaking?Vous n'avez pas l'impression de participer activement à cette arnaque, tous en lisant un nombre considérable de commentaires relatant…
1 vote -
Ce que devient ce jeux en ligne
Ce jeux est devenu un ramassis de payeur qui jouent des decks de demeurés, qu'ils sont allés chercher sur le net avec des stratégie à 2 tours et que cette entreprise fait gagner en classement.
C'est devenu un jeux ou en tant que F2P tu arrive Platine 3+3 et que le jeux te fait redescendre à Platine 4+0 contre des payeurs avec des decks préconstruit à qui il distribue les cartes dans l'ordre dans laquelle ils doivent les sortir sans que le joueur est besoin de réfléchir...
Je n'arrive même pas à comprendre comment on peut donner de l'argent à…
1 vote -
Disparition des commentaires
C'est fou ce qu'arrive à faire cette entreprise pour cacher toutes ses petites magouilles sur la manipulation de son jeux afin d'extorquer de l'argent à ses clients, ils en viennent même à supprimer complétement tous les commentaires que l'on écrit et cela même dans son espace personnel.
1 vote -
Male enlargement herbal cream +256754810143 uk, usa, kenya
Enlarging your Manhood naturally +256754810143, ***** Enlargement Clinic Benoni, enlargement has been on men’s minds since the beginning of time. For centuries men have used various products to increase and enlarge male genitalia. Male enlargement of the ***** is the process of using various forms of herbal medication to enlarge the male penile tissue. Here on this page you will find a collection of enlargement herbs that you can use. All our products are 100% herbal, Man Herbal clinic, Male enlargement, ***** Enlargement pills, herbs & creams, erectile dysfunction, impotence, premature *********** Loss of Libido – ***** Enlargement Clinic Benoni,…
1 vote
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