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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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569 results found

  1. Battlepass mastery rewards are not being received after level ups

    I haven't received any rewards from the battle pass since I purchased it at level 19. I hit level 24 and didn't get any orbs or my cosmetic reward. I didn't get my last 3 packs either.

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  2. Packs and Game store menus will not load

    Ever since the most recent update on my PC I can't seem to open the store or packs menus. I have installed and reinstalled several times, but still no fix. It says that it is connecting to the server then freezes.

    The funny thing is that I can still play games no problem. I just can't redeem any of my rewards.

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  3. spg slot in mh3 pack opening

    this mtga announcements article stated that Special Guests are supposed to replace a common slot for store packs.
    However, both in my experiences with regular and mythic packs the special guest replaced the rare slot.

    found this was also being experienced by others like in this reddit thread

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  4. Cannot buy anything from store it just freezes. Mac

    I am trying to buy new Modern Horizons but it freezes after i click on buy and does not respond. Need to manually quit out of game. Have tried re-installing and everything and still no luck. Help!

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  5. store won't let me buy gems

    I want to buy the new ixalan alchemy bundle but I need gems to buy it, when i go to buy gems i get the following error

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  6. cant buy gems or change my payment method

    cant buy gems or change payment method when i do either of them i get a error message

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  7. Unable to purchase Gems on MTG Arena

    I am unable to purcahase Gems on my MTG Arena account. Whenever I go to purchase them, the screen goes to 'Waiting for server', then either freezes or eventually after about 7 or 8 minutes goes to 'unable to access Server or something Similar.

    I can play games and Draft fine, but cannot buy Gems with which to play.

    Please advise as to what to do; i have contacted Customer Support and they Directed me here.

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  8. Golden packs

    Lots of issues with how the Golden Packs are described and what you actually get IN the packs. First off, let’s consider that the pack is supposed to contain STANDARD LEGAL cards. Why did I open a LoTR rare? Huh, good question. Additionally, I didn’t get 2 R/M cards from the latest standard set (Aftermath). Another curious point, I know. If I’m trying to build a standard collection why would I want non-standard playable cards in a product that claims to have ONLY standard legal cards in it! FIX THiS!

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  9. Mastery Pass Mythic ICR Not Awarded

    I received a mythic ICR at Level 8 on the New Capenna Mastery Pass, but did not receive one at level 11 on the pass. I got an uncommon ICR from the Daily Win rewards and should have received the pass' mythic ICR at the same time.

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  10. Missing 5th mythic pack from bundle

    After opening 4 out of 5 mythic packs, the 5th pack disappeared.

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  11. Cards not showing up after purchase

    I purchased a bundle using 1900gems and my cards aren't showing up. Gems were deducted, the bundle(which was one of 3 in the store) isn't showing anymore, but no cards. Please advise..

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  12. Didn’t receive mythic rare from mastery pass

    Never received the mythic rare for level 52 in mastery pass

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  13. Bought Standard Pack; no Golden Pack progress

    I bought a Murders at Karlov Manor pack in the MtG Arena Store today via the Daily Deal. I was not given any Golden Pack Progress despite the text saying that buying any pack from Standard or Alchemy now gives Golden Pack Progress. Please advise. Is this a known bug?

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  14. Bug with starter decks

    When i claimed starter deck from foundations was a error, after relogin all decks havent some rares, and some decks havent name

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  15. Missing Daily Deal

    Daily deal has been missing for last 2 days, just says no deal is available but I checked the reddit and seems everyone else is getting the deal.

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  16. Multiple mastery pass rewards not received.

    I have not been receiving the rewards for the mastery pass for the past few levels i have unlocked. one example i can show is the mastery pass says i have earned the "merry beast" companion but it is not available in my companion list. (screenshot included) However i have also not received the mastery orbs, card packs or card style rewards as far back as level 36, I dont have the card style for "viscous clown"

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  17. No rewards from Duskmourn Mastery Pass

    For several days, the rewards from the mastery pass are not being received. I'm on Windows and started noticing this on level 33, but seeing other complaints, it can be happening since before.
    Moreover, this is the Mastery Pass Rewards, the normal bonus track rewards seem to be working fine.
    DON'T BUY THE MASTERY PASS, it's not working, it's just a waste of gems.

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  18. Mastery Pass Rewards Not Received on PC

    I've seen this happening intermittently for the last week or so and I thought I had basically prevented this issue from happening again by playing for my daily rewards on my PC instead of mobile, but nope, I was playing on PC just now and I got my daily gold and XP but I did not get the Mastery Pass reward of 400 gems for leveling up to 36.

    This is now at least 2,000 Gold, 2x Mythics, several boosters, a bunch of XP, and I'm sure other stuff I'm forgetting that I haven't received since I bought the Mastery…

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  19. Mastery pass rewards

    I paid but my rewards are not credited ... what should i do ?

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  20. Mastery Pass Rewards not recieved

    Mastery Pass Rewards not received. Its been several days that i have not been recieving the paid mastery Pass rewards. Until they dont fix it im not buying anything else. Its a joke we pay money for this and we dont get the gems or the card packs that we should be getting.

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