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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

4.       Enter the expected results of the feature

5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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565 results found

  1. Not receiving Bloomburrow Mastery Orbs

    Noticed a Bug in the Mastery level rewards: in the free version of the Mastery in Bloomburrow i should receive 3 Mastery Orbs by level 25 however i only ever received the one at level 5. I've received every other rewards such as packs and free cards, its just a problem with the orbs. I checked both the PC and Android apps but the problem persists. I spent 1 orb to check and see if it would update after but it didn't work.

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  2. Psychic Frog Hideaway left store early

    Psychic Frog's Hideaway said we had 4 hours left to use it. I bought it and started redeeming tickets. Starting at 11 AM EST, I received internal errors and when I closed out the program and brought it back, the store is gone despite having 3+ hours left (according to in game message) and hundreds of tickets left to spend. Please re-enable or refund this purchase.

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  3. No daily deals in store

    Daily deals in the store is not there in the store, there is usually a TAB for daily deals, the TAB is not there at all

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  4. Retro fetchlands MH3 not showing as purchased

    I purchased the MH3 Retro Fetchland cosmetic bundle, it shows in my collection as available, but I have to spend wildcards to use the Retro or new Enemy Fetchland cosmetic even though I already own the fetch land?

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  5. cannot pre-order from the in-game store > featured section

    Issue description: You cannot preorder items from the In-game Store -

    Steps to reproduce the issue:
    1. Launch the game on Steam
    2. Open the store tab > featured section
    3. Find a pre-order item in the store (e.g. the "Sorin Pack Bundle") and click
    the price

    Expected Outcome: Steam window opens
    Actual Outcome: Error modal: Store Error Store Purchase Failed Unknown

    Ordering non-pre-order items works.

    Can not order the Sorin Pack Bundle in the Steam installation of MTG Arena. The button that should open the steam window to continue the order does not appear,

    Can order other offers on…

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  6. Orcish Bowmaster refund


    I'd like to uncraft / get my wildcards back for Orcish Bowmaster. You nerfed it the day after the tournament when I crafted it because it looked cool on Twitch in the finale. This is totally unacceptable. You're ripping me of more than 10$ and now my whole deck is unplayable in Historic because of this.

    I don't care about Alchemy however I do care about Historic and you screwed my deck over within less than 24 hours.

    Thank you for getting my precious wildcards back or uncraft the card in my account please or refund me with Gem…

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  7. Golden packs progress not working with MoM packs

    Bought 1 pack of MoM on 6/27/2023. Had 5 golden packs progress, still showing 5 after.

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  8. benefit from bugs should be punished

    I am a loyal player of MTG Arena. Recently, I have noticed that a large number of players have exploited bugs with which you can finish daily task many times and get gold from it, to gain unfair benefits after MOM update. I believe that this behavior has harmed the interests of players like myself who have purchased content in the game,and I‘ve heard that you do nothing to this behavior last time the bug happened.

    I request that you take measures to punish those players who have exploited bugs to gain benefits, including confiscating their ill-gotten gains. Or, I…

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  9. Recieved 40 Gems instead of Mythic from Throne of Eldraine Pack

    I have purchased four Mythic Packs from Throne of Eldraine. Upon opening the fourth pack, I got a message saying I have collected all the Mythics from this pack. Instead of receiving a Mythic card or wildcard, I got 40 gems. I only have three Mythics in my possession from Throne of Eldraine, as shown in the screenshot below. I know there are over 20 Mythics in this pack, so I'm very confused to why I received gems instead of one of them. I also uploaded a screenshot of the 40 gems and a screenshot of the uncollected Mythics in…

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  10. Not enough mastery orbs

    As you can see, I have 3 open spots for orbs but can only get one more. The mastery pass is not providing enough orbs to complete mastery.

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  11. Store not working

    I didn’t get my challenge complete coins and it won’t let me buy packs in the store.

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  12. 20 gem "rare" cards don't actually give gems.

    Opened 3 packs and got 2 "20 gem" cards, but didn't get any gems.

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  13. Bug in Golden Pack progress

    Bought a pack from the Store that was part of Standard (MKM). Did not get Golden Pack progress. Looks like a bug (given the recent change).

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  14. Didnt recieve cards from new player decks. Deck names empty.

    I didnt recieve cards in some of the new decks we got with release. Also some decknames are empty:

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  15. ソフトウエア強制終了


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  16. The game freezes whenever I try to draft, access the store, or open packs.

    I already submitted a request for a fix for this issue, and it did help for one log in. The store let me spend my tokens in the store for packs, without crashing. I was able to open the purchased packs, and it didn't crash. However, when I attempted to enter a draft, it froze. Now I'm stuck again. I can't play the draft I paid for. The game crashes every time I try. I can't access the store. The game freezes every time I try. I can't open any packs. The game freezes every time I try.

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  17. Daily deals have gone missing for multiple days.

    There are daily deals but me and some other unfortunates are not getting any deals for multiple days now.

    I tried reisntalling and multiple times reloading the store (clikcing off and back on "store") no luck from both.

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  18. sale

    Daily deals have not been displayed since a week ago.

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  19. Bug in Store

    For the third day in a row, my store isn’t showing the 'Daily Deals'.

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  20. Mastery Pass rewards missing since level 29

    I haven't received Duskmourn Mastery pass rewards past level 29.

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