MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
565 results found
Golden pack track works incorrectly with pre release packs
Golden pack progression works incorrectly with pre-release packs
Steps to reproduce
Redeem pre release promo code
Go to packs
Click Open all packs
ER golden pack track is progressed to reflect that 6 packs are opened
AR golden pack track progress shows only one pack opened10 votes -
Prerelease code not working
I picked up a Dominaria United prerelease pack and the code inside doesn’t work. I tried a few times in case of errors on my end but to no avail. It simply gives an error message saying that the code is wrong or already redeemed.
10 votes -
Bought bundle, cards in bundle not available to use
After making a purchase from the store with gold, I did not receive the cards from the bundle.
10 votes -
got gems instead of a rare card when opening a pack of an incomleted series
I got 20 gems instead of a rare card when opening a pack of an incomleted series (kaldheim)
10 votes -
No rare card when opening Foundations packs.
I don't have anywhere near a complete collection of rare foundations cards but am receiving gems instead of a rare card every time i purchase a pack.
9 votes -
Duskmourn mastery pass not giving rewards
the Duskmourn mastery pass isn't giving both of my reward paths. i just leveled up from level 15 to 16 and i noticed my rewards have only been giving me the free rewards, but not for the mastery pass that i paid for. i don'tknow if im the only one, but it's been hapening the past couple days
9 votes -
Mastery Pass Rewards not received
I reached level 39 of the mastery pass but did not receive the Bloomburrow pack that is a reward for it.
9 votes -
Cannot Purchase Through Store on Mac
Any time I try to purchase anything through the store I get a spinning wheel and a message saying "waiting for server" that never brings me to the payment screen. Have been trying off and on since August and have not been able to purchase anything. Using the Mac version.
9 votes -
STORE BUG - Can't enter the store
Clicking on Store Button at the top menu
PC MTGA Client
"Waiting for the server", infinite loading
Expecting entering the store, but it's just loading
none yet
9 votes -
Mythic pack gave rare instead of mythic
Mythic pack gave me a rare wildcard. I would like a new mythic pack
9 votes -
bought mythic pack
bought a BLB mythic pack and got a rare wildcard instead of a mythic
9 votes -
Psychic Frog Store currency missing
I completed a quest today, and did not receive any tickets towards the Psychic Frog MH3 store.
9 votes -
Can't buy gems on MacOS
If I try to purchase gems, I get an infinite "Waiting for server" spinning wheel.
I'm on MacOS, Sonoma votes -
Mythic pack rare wildcard
Hello. Like several players, I purchased a mythic pack and received a rare wildcard. This was a Kahn's of Takir mythic pack on the android client.
It's disheartening seeing a bug that's over a year old still happen today. What steps are you planning to correct this bug so it doesn't persist?
What9 votes -
Can't pay on mac
I can't get to the paying interface on Mac os. If I get to the point where I'm supposed to pay it just hangs and I can't spend my money on the store.
9 votes -
Problem purchasing daily deal
I tried to buy the daily deal (1 pack of New Capenna for 850 gold) and it won't let me purchase it.
Went to report a bug, and when I try to type in the subject, the website clears the screen and forwards me here.
I've attempted to do this several times, using tab instead of clicking etc.
9 votes -
Card bought does not shows in collection or deck
I bought chip of reality today spending 2500 coins, the coins were collected but the card is not in my collection. I checked 3 times rebooting the app but nothing happened. In the store I read the message bought already done but I have not the card. Could solve this problem and send me the card I bought from the store? I play on IPad on iOS.
9 votes -
Missing cards after purchase
After purchase of a card in the daily deal section, I purchased another card without clicking “claim”. Neither purchase found it’s way to my account, but the costs were incurred by my account. This has happened on 3 occasions.
9 votes -
Vault Progress may not be accumulating. Cannot see vault progress within logs. I am unsure how long my progress has been stopped. Please advise.
9 votes -
mastery pass rewards not received
no mastery rewards when winning, i own the mastery pass, but dont get the premium rewards..
8 votes
- Don't see your idea?