MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
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15338 results found
paradox engine still not banned
you need to start reading these complaints. paradox engine should not be a legal card, ban it immediately.
21 votes -
5 votes
Stop rigging you game losers
See title
6 votes -
Black screen
Android mobile device. App opens only to black screen. Turned phone off and back on, didn't work. Uninstalled and reinstalled app, didn't work. Maintenance performed on 01/27/2022 and game hasn't worked since.
9 votes -
Constructed rank not changing after matches since last update
Playing standard ranked on Android, My constructed rank hasn't gone up or down since the last update.
14 votes -
フリーズ 操作不能
5 votes -
Opponent's onhover event handling causing timeout
I lost a match because of a timeout from my side. However, it looked very strange and the way how the timeout occurred looked more like a MTGA application bug or a foul play from opponent's side (or both).
The story is quite simple. I played on the Bo1 limited ladder a VOW quick draft match against Ozon#26468. Quite in the beginning, I noticed considerable flickering of my cards in play and in my hand. It looked like if the opponent was looking at my cards hovering their mouse over them, but selected cards changed very rapidly. It stopped from…10 votes -
Can't Concede
I can't offer the opinions of others, but not being able to concede is absolutely ridiculous! You are effectively wasting my time by not allowing this. I don't care if my opponent wants to see his/her win. I don't want to have to sit and wait to start another game or to stop playing because of all of the horrible features you have put in the game that aren't there in table-top magic. You've already done enough to ruin the game, why push it?
10 votes -
paradox engine
are you ****** joking? paradox engine isnt banned? are you ****** *****? are you *** joking? paradox engine isnt banned? are you ****** *****?are you *** joking? paradox engine isnt banned? are you ****** *****?are you *** joking? paradox engine isnt banned? are you ****** *****?are you *** joking? paradox engine isnt banned? are you ****** *****?are you *** joking? paradox engine isnt banned? are you ****** *****?are you *** joking? paradox engine isnt banned? are you ****** *****?are you *** joking? paradox engine isnt banned?…
26 votes -
Standard Ranked doesn't level up my bronze rank
Standard ranked games don't update my rank. I have played several games, not updating any win or loss. Profile doesn't update. I would to like to get my right rank updated asap before the season ends
19 votes -
Issue with promo pack codes
Promo pack codes are being completed by bots or something of the like. The last 10 promo packs I have received from my LGS have codes already redeemed when I go to enter them.
7 votes -
conductive current / grapeshot Bug
My Favorite deck stop working!!! I've been playing a combo burn deck that used conductive current to charge up a grape shot. That way you only needed a storm count of like 4 or 5 for the finish. Thus removing the need for those pesky permanents that don't seem to be there when you untap. it had been working great up until this patch. now none of the copies from storm have the buff. It leaves the entire thing feeling so flaccid.
This wasn't mentioned in the patch notes. This must be a bug. conductive current modifies the spell it's…
5 votes -
I believe, strongly, that your game is rigged. If you don't stop with these greedy, malicious, unfair practices I'll take my business elsewhere. Just plain let a random generator generate the cards and stop toying with your players.
28 votes -
waiting for server
game loads and then stays stuck with a black screen saying "Waiting for server". Its been happening for the last two days. a friend has the same issue for a week now..
My internet and laptop are fine; this is an issue with arena..
Please help
313 votes -
Phases Not Visible
Unable to see the Phase display. Pressing "L" does not show Phase display.
11 votes -
Loss registered without a match played
During arena decathlon event 3 I hit cancel to stop queueing and the event registered a loss. As a result I did not get to play the full number of matches allotted to me. I would like a refund of the 2k gold entry fee.
13 votes -
Game randomly skips turn?
I was playing a game on PC. On one turn, I blocked one of their creatures then countered a spell during their main phase. Immediately after, the game skipped to the start of their next turn, allowing them to attack and win the game. None of my lands had untapped, so it seemingly completely skipped my entire turn. They had also not cast any spells allowing them a second turn. Does anyone know why this could happen?
12 votes -
Game Constantly Crashing on Mobile
I am getting fed up with how often I have to restart my game client on mobile or how many times I am basically issued game losses on the ladder when trying to climb to mythic because Arena decides thats all the sudden i can’t click on anything anymore but also it’s my turn and if I don’t respond I’m now roping out and I don’t find this out until it’s warning me that I’m just about to lose that I need to completely restart and 90% of the time the game has ended and my rank is lowered. It’s…
10 votes -
BO3 rank point bugged
In Rank Constructed BO3.
The opponent disconnected in the first game and I won the match.
However, the rank point did not increase by two, only by one.21 votes -
ICR rewards from Mastery Pass not received
I am currently not receiving ICR rewards from the Mastery Pass or at least they do not pop up and are not shown as NEW in the collection.
I am currently Level 20 at the MID Pass and should have received 2 Uncommon and 2 Mythic ICRs.21 votes
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