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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

4.       Enter the expected results of the feature

5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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15463 results found

  1. game crashes during every match

    game crashes during every match since the uptate to M21

    42 votes
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  2. [mobile] We need a way to provide IN-APP feedback. The current way is prohibitively clunky and you're losing out!

    I just tested the app for the first time (Magic player since the late 90s, played Arena during beta) and wanted to give some suggestions.

    • the app then redirected me to this website
    • where I had to log in
    • I then typed a collection of suggestions in one post because there was no way in heck I was going to go through this multiple times
    • and to top it off, the "post idea" button didn't work (latest Chrome on Android), so I couldn't submit my post. (edit: this may have been due to the screenshot I was attempting to attach…
    8 votes
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  3. Implement AI Difficulty Levels for 'Sparky'

    I'm a casual Magic Arena player. I enjoy playing Arena. What I don't appreciate about the game is the horrendous difficulty level of the AI 'Sparky'. I feel as though it's completely unfair that if I decided to play against an AI opponent, it's basically a guaranteed win because the AI is quite possibly the dumbest, most powerless opponent of all time. Why am I forced to play against other people?! This is extremely frustrating to players like myself who want a fairly challenging opponent without getting dismantled by more experience players who do nothing but download prem-made decks off…

    6 votes
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  4. Display resolution

    First, thanks for MTGA !
    Then, can you please add 3:2 resolutions such as 1920x1280 pix which is my native resolution ?
    Thank you for your help.

    14 votes
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  5. solemnity

    solemnity kept triggering when it shouldn't in a game i just played. (for example when my opponent played lands solemnity triggered.) thanks for your time :)

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  6. Community's Market

    Add a marketplace where players can trade cards to each others for coins ir crystals. This should help players to discard cards that are not desired, and get the cards that are needed to build the deck the player want.

    5 votes
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  7. Card cast without enough mana

    While playing draft today, my opponent played a card that needs 2 blue mana and 2 others to cast, but he/she had only one island (and enough other lands) and two creatures on the field none of which gave mana or reduced the cost of casting anything. Seemed like a bug to me

    15 votes
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  8. Broken UI

    The UI is completely bugged, broken, and un-usable. Lands in my hand are just cardbacks, on the screen they float in the middle of the field, creatures don't show up if they enter the stack and don't tap if they attack. Made me lose games with no way to fix.

    11 votes
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  9. better way to discard large quantities of cards from your hand at the end of turn.

    better way to discard large quantities of cards from your hand at the end of turn.

    9 votes
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  10. Too many mirror matching in Play Mode

    I know this is how Play Mode was designed, matching up similar rarity decks to prevent mature players taking advantages on new players. But no one likes mirror match up all the time. Could you cluster decks with their similarity? If a player meets a deck in Cluster A, then lower the possibility of Cluster A when he plays the next game.

    23 votes
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  11. Non-random matchmaking in draft

    In Arena premium draft and cube draft, you're disproportionately likely to be matched against decks with similar colours/archetypes. I think it's possible this effect is even more pronounced for your first match, but I'm less certain. (It may also be true for other draft formats.)

    I speculate that this is a bug arising from a matchmaking algorithm which is intended to make players of similar strengths or decks with similar win records be preferentially matched against each other.

    (To see this effect in action, e.g. draft a two-colour deck CD, and pay record the colour pairs of two-colour decks you…

    8 votes
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  12. Earn A Deck Not Awarding Deck

    I'm not getting the correct daily rewards on my account, today I didn't get the deck I was getting on a daily basis.

    In daily missions. I was supposed to win a new deck today, I completed the mission but I didn't receive it. The last one I received yesterday was DIMIR HOUSE (black and blue).

    63 votes
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  13. Unable to report bug.

    Trying to report bug. I enter information, attach file. The I click post idea, and it spins then it never gets posted.

    15 votes
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  14. Import Deck Problem

    When I try to import a new deck, a receive an error stating that the string is empty, but i've just clicked on the import button, without selecting anything else.

    30 votes
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  15. Settings menu text not showing up

    I'm on Mac, and when I click the gear >> Options (for the Graphics options or exiting the game) the text isn't showing up in the buttons.

    8 votes
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  16. Stuck on looking for game queue and Cancel doesn't work nor does reloading game

    I am stuck in the game queue looking for an opponent and cancel button does not work!

    I tried exiting the game and reloading and still stuck in game queue. I even tried waiting and still in game queue one hour later.

    I even tried loading from different computer and instead of taking me to the initial screen it takes me to the game queue and cancel will not work!

    13 votes
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  17. The Ozolith

    During gameplay on my turn before combat, although The Ozolith text reads "you may move all counters," I could not pass and the game was forcing me to click an opponents creature vice just passing on the option to remove counters. I was forced to use all timeouts, so the bug needs to be fixed.

    26 votes
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  18. 116 votes
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  19. freeze

    freeze in draft game
    I can't continue this game without concede

    19 votes
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  20. Unranked wins showing that I'm leveling up in Bronze...and I'm not even on the bronze tier.

    Unranked wins showing that I'm leveling up in Bronze...and I'm not even on the bronze tier.

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  • Don't see your idea?

MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions


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