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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

4.       Enter the expected results of the feature

5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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15552 results found

  1. Wildcard Redeem failure

    Wildcard Redeem Error. Wildcards are redeeming in deck creation in spite of the fact that an error message appeared saying "wildcard redemption failed: unable to contact server" or "Wildcard redemption failed: could not redeem wildcard." I just burned through maybe 2-3x the wildcards i meant to; i would love for that to be undone.

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  2. Banned Cards Standard

    I played a Standart Constructed Event today. One of my opponents played the Cards "Wilderness Reclamation" and "Growth Spiral" - which are banned.

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  3. Wins not registering properly

    Since last patch I´ve been noticing that the ladder behaves wierdly. The wins are not being registered and despite having win more than 15 games in the last two days sometimes I have only moved a single step between 3 and 4 wins aswell as going up a notch and then next game going up again the same exact step. I seem to be going down just fine tho.

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  4. wasted wild cards

    i used 3 mythic wild cards and a rare but it didn't craft the cards

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  5. Xp denial

    At the beginning of the post update play when the quests, daily and weekly wins were completely refreshed, I started to play ranked and unranked games to earn the available xp. However, once I had gotten my 10 daily wins, I noticed that I did not get the xp for 4 of them or the xp for 4 of the weekly wins either, please credit my acct for the missing xp. I should be level 4 with 750 xp after 10 wins and 2 of 3 quests completed. 500x2+10x25+10x250= 3750xp, or level 4 with 750xp

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  6. Going from 6 emotes to 5 emotes in the profile tab can prevent using emotes in game.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Have six expansion unique emotes toggled on for your profile.

    2. Enter any game of magic arena and navigate to the lone expansion emote on it's own page. (as opposed to the other five expansion emotes grouped together.)

    3. Complete the game. Whether you use the emote or close the in game emote tab or leave the in game emote tab open at this time does not matter.

    4. Navigate to the profile tab, then to emotes. Here You can add or remove emotes that can be used in game. Deselect any one of the six expansion emotes and confirm.

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  7. Treasure Token Priority

    Treasure token does not hold priority when creatures with cost reduction were in play (i.e. Goblin Warchief)

    The game state was 5 lands, 1 treasure token.
    Played Goblin Warchief (1C2R) --> Goblin Chieftain (2R) with Goblin Instigator (1R) in hand.

    The game skipped to attackers after chieftain was played and skipped my ability to play instigator.

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  8. Game freezed

    Game just freezed while i was playing a ranked match. i am kinda upset because i lost rank points when actually i was winning the game

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  9. Card stuck to cursor

    I was editing my draft deck when I clicked on a card from the rest of my pool and dragged it and it just got stuck to my cursor. Going out of editing the deck didn't help. Moving to edit a normal deck in my collection resulted in the card being stuck mid air and the cards from those spots were placed in the same mid air position. (screenshots attached)

    Only on the first page of the cards collection. It seems to be related to the card position in the edit screen (duhh :D).

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  10. Card image stuck on screen

    I got a card stuck on the screen somehow. I think I was trying to zoom in on an opponent's Pharika's Spawn while it went into exile from my Banishing Light. The image of Pharika's Spawn stayed huge in the center of the screen, covering up the rest of the field, for the rest of the game

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  11. Lost connection to server twice during draft

    I lost connection to server twice during ranked draft. Lost two games because of it. All since new update.

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  12. Full Control Mode deactivates itself

    Just lost another match, because Full Control Mode deactivates itself. A lot of times I can prevent those losses, because I press Ctrl like a maniac during the same turn. This time I activated Full Control Mode in my first main phase, then attacked with Gallia of the Last Dance. I had no chance to play my card before the triggered ability resolved, resulting in having to discard unlucky exactly that card. Normally I would play it with Gallia's trigger on stack. Really frustrating to lose a game and my ressources for that event (1.500 Gems) like this. Please fix!

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  13. Opponent segregation makes this a very unenjoyable game. Program chooses opponents based on decks used. Needs to be random.

    The deck I use determines the deck I will face. This is unrealistic. Opponent selection should be either entirely random or by deck ranking based on performance. As things are, a deck becomes boring because it faces ONLY the same type of deck over and over again. A few decks fall into the program's algorithm for multiple deck types and that is more enjoyable, but it only makes the opponent selection algorithm obvious. MGTA needs to be more like MTG real-time in opponent selection - random or by deck ranking.

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  14. 28 votes
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  15. Loss game without a loss condition

    I am on my turn, with a lot of life, no possible condition to a lose game, attack and the game reproduce the animation of a loss game and appeared the message "defeated", like if I did concede game. But the only thing I did was declare attackers. 2 different times, on 2 different games, on 2 different situations. Both games on ranked.

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  16. stacked card stuck on screen

    When playing against GW Auras, an opponents creature had 5+ enchantments stacked. AS I Was clicking through the stack to see each one, the full art for one of them became 'stuck' on the screen, covering the combat area. it did not go away. When I went to combat on my next turn, I could not see what blockers were declared due to the card in the way.

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  17. Daily Win and Reward XP not updating

    I am winning matches but the daily Win and Reward XP are still showing 1/15.
    Please help.

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  18. opponent concede, game continues

    Got a probmem: opponent concede but the game wasn't ended: I got no reward, can't exit the match but still can interact with the table.

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  19. Deck Validation Error

    Try to start a match, and get This Error:

    "Network Error: Deck Validation Failed"

    I've double and triple checked decks in question, and they are all legal for the match I'm trying to play. This is only happening to certain decks in my collection.

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  20. Game Skipped Main Phase 2

    Mana and playable cards in hand, but turn ended/ phase 2 skipped despite this.

    1. Start Draft.
    2. Turn ended/ skipped main phase 2
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