MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
574 results found
Golden boosters lost
I bought boosters from the new extension and received 5 golden boosters. They disappeared from the boosters section after the update. Can you give me back these boosters please?1 vote -
Pre-Order Packs missing after update
Seems like there’s a bug in the store.
Bought outlaws pack bundle which is missing after update. Mastery Bundle appeares to be activated.
Sent order details to customer service, did re-install and validated bundles again. Cards / packs are still missing.
1 vote -
Euro prices for Latin America players?
I don't get why the store prices are in Euro if I am a Latin American player living in Latin America
2 votes -
Error lands
The other day I bought the LOST CAVES OF IXALAN full art lands from the Magic Arena store, and these were not enabled for me, I have let several days pass, just in case there was an error and they will be enabled in my account after some update, but now I'm in OUTLAWS and they still don't show up, that's why I want to report this to see if they can be recovered or my coins returned to buy other things
1 vote -
Not able to purchase pre-order products for Outlaws - 2024-04
Time is running out and I've been trying to buy this for three days. Help! I don't want to miss out on this. Fix it please! Is anyone else having trouble purchasing it? I can't find any fixes for this issue. I reloaded the game from Epic Games. I rebooted my computer multiple times. I made sure I had the latest update on my Mac. Nothing worked.
1 vote -
2024-04 Cannot Access Store
Can't access the store. Trying to buy the pre-order bundles but everytime it gets stuck saying "waiting to access" I should be more clear, I can access the store but cannot buy any of the pre-order bundles. It just keeps saying "Waiting for the server..."
2 votes -
Waiting for Server in the Store
I cannot purchase anything from the store because it get stuck on "waiting for server." I'm on a Mac and it seems like this has been an issue for years...
10 votes -
Mythic Pack bug
Mythic Packs seem to give the same rarity distribution as normal packs...
I opened 4 packs and each had the standard NORMAL distribution.
What's the point of differentiating between standard and mythic if the drop rates and types are the same?1 vote -
Client-error on code redemption
i redeemed code (Starter Kit 2023) which was positively acknowledged by the client ("Redeem Code Success"). The client however only showed the waiting animation for a while but did not present the redeemed items and still shows the two Starter Kit 2023 decks which I created manually as incomplete
2 votes -
本日13時前にイクサラン 失われし洞窟のパックを6パックを購入しましたが、ゴールデンパックの進行が1つしか進んでいません。補填をお願いします。
素早い対応を期待しています。1 vote -
Purchase menu is not loading. searching for server
Cannot reach the purchase menu. After going in the store and trying to purchase anything with real money, the game gets stuck on the searching for server loading screen. Never had this happen. Started 2 days ago.
3 votes -
My oko bundle disappeared
I bought the OKO bundle ($49.99,50 packs of OTJ,painswalker oko and plainswalker oko’s card style) and the bundle disappeared just now,also disappeared in store[The picture(8449) is the packs interface right now,it is different from the interface I just bought the bunlde(picture 8448)],what happened to my account?
1 vote -
My oko bundle disappeared
I bought the OKO bundle ($49.99,50 packs of OTJ,painswalker oko and plainswalker oko’s card style) and the bundle disappeared just now,what happened to my account?
0 votes -
MTGA is way too expensive
I already spend hundreds of $ to MTGA (and MTGO), but I'm done with it since Patch 2023.26.10 ( After that, I didn't spent any money and I won't do it untill there is a huge reduction in pricing. I loved to draft a lot, and would re-start playing drafts if pricing policy would be reduced.
2 votes -
Arena Store Unusable on MacOS
Every time I try to purchase anything with real money (not gems or gold), it displays "Waiting for Server" and I cannot do anything. I have to restart Arena to do anything. I was able to log into Arena on my Iphone and make purchases without any issues. So this bug is specific to the MacOS. All software is up to date.
7 votes -
xp stopped increasing
XP has stopped increasing today. I'm stuck at lvl 54 725/1000XP. It won't go up even when I'm completing daily and weekly quests. Playing via Epic games store. Seemed to be working yesterday. Things I did yesterday probably included: completing the survey, solving clues 3 and 4 (which gave xp), building "thewayisopen" deck (which definitely gave the 5000xp, not sure I've received any since then). Hope that helps. Please sort this ASAP, cos what was the point in getting the Mastery pass if you won't let us gain XP. Thanks
6 votes -
Mythic pack rare wildcard
Hello. Like several players, I purchased a mythic pack and received a rare wildcard. This was a Kahn's of Takir mythic pack on the android client.
It's disheartening seeing a bug that's over a year old still happen today. What steps are you planning to correct this bug so it doesn't persist?
What10 votes -
Mastery XP Not Adding
I'm at 900 XP and earned another 600 or so through match wins but none of that XP has been recorded on the mastery pass. The game showed the XP earned in the post match report so it should be going through.
26 votes -
store won't let me buy gems
I want to buy the new ixalan alchemy bundle but I need gems to buy it, when i go to buy gems i get the following error
8 votes -
Every card is "First" no matter how many I have
Every card is "First" no matter how many I have.
6 votes
- Don't see your idea?