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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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574 results found

  1. cant buy gems or change my payment method

    cant buy gems or change payment method when i do either of them i get a error message

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  2. all of the cards say their the first copy ive gotten but its not

    all the cards I open say their my first copy, even when their not

    I open a pack and get a uncommon creature and it says its my first copy but then I open another pack get the same uncommon and it says its my first even though its clearly not

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  3. Can't Purchase Gems in Steam Version of Game

    I recently switched to the Steam Version of the game so that updates would be managed by the steam client. Since doing so, however, I am no longer able to purchase gems.

    I have already confirmed that the Steam In-Game Overlay is enabled both in the Steam General settings and for Magic Arena specifically. My steam wallet has a payment method linked as well.

    After clicking the price on the "Confirm Purchase" screen, the screen returns back to the store, and nothing else happens. There are no errors, or any feedback given. I have attached my log, which seems to…

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  4. Orcish Bowmaster refund


    I'd like to uncraft / get my wildcards back for Orcish Bowmaster. You nerfed it the day after the tournament when I crafted it because it looked cool on Twitch in the finale. This is totally unacceptable. You're ripping me of more than 10$ and now my whole deck is unplayable in Historic because of this.

    I don't care about Alchemy however I do care about Historic and you screwed my deck over within less than 24 hours.

    Thank you for getting my precious wildcards back or uncraft the card in my account please or refund me with Gem…

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  5. Redeem Code Failure: Code Already Redeemed

    I recently started playing Arena again after a few years. I deleted my account a few years ago because I wasn't having fun anymore.

    When I created my new account, I tried entering codes for free packs and sleeves. However, some of the codes didn't work. I got an error message that the code was already redeemed, but I didn't receive anything for it.

    I only get the error message for codes that I redeemed on my old account, which uses the same email address as my current account. Is it possible that the system can't tell the difference between…

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  6. Golden packs containing cards that are not standard-legal

    According to, golden packs will include:
    "At least one card per pack will be Mythic from any standard-legal set, 2 cards will be Rare or Mythic from the latest set, and the final 3 cards will be Rare or Mythic from any current standard-legal set."
    This means 4 cards will come from any standard-legal set, and 2 will be guaranteed to come from WOE. Because LTR is neither standard-legal nor the most recent set, these cards should not appear in golden packs.

    As a standard-only player, this hugely devalues golden packs and is honestly incredibly disappointed. I went…

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  7. Unable to purchase Gems on MTG Arena

    I am unable to purcahase Gems on my MTG Arena account. Whenever I go to purchase them, the screen goes to 'Waiting for server', then either freezes or eventually after about 7 or 8 minutes goes to 'unable to access Server or something Similar.

    I can play games and Draft fine, but cannot buy Gems with which to play.

    Please advise as to what to do; i have contacted Customer Support and they Directed me here.

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  8. Can't pay on mac

    I can't get to the paying interface on Mac os. If I get to the point where I'm supposed to pay it just hangs and I can't spend my money on the store.

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  9. Golden Packs given Alchemy Cards

    I do not play Alchemy nor have any desire to play Alchemy. When I opened up my most recent Golden Pack I have received cards from Lord of the Rings.

    I now don’t want to open up any more of my Golden Packs because I don’t want to waste the rare spots from them.

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  10. Problem purchasing daily deal

    I tried to buy the daily deal (1 pack of New Capenna for 850 gold) and it won't let me purchase it.

    Went to report a bug, and when I try to type in the subject, the website clears the screen and forwards me here.

    I've attempted to do this several times, using tab instead of clicking etc.

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  11. Golden Pack Progress

    I purchased packs with gems and no progress to golden pack was made. Purchased more packs with gold and still no progress for golden packs made. Issue run into on PC. Stuck at 0 progress

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  12. Golden packs

    Lots of issues with how the Golden Packs are described and what you actually get IN the packs. First off, let’s consider that the pack is supposed to contain STANDARD LEGAL cards. Why did I open a LoTR rare? Huh, good question. Additionally, I didn’t get 2 R/M cards from the latest standard set (Aftermath). Another curious point, I know. If I’m trying to build a standard collection why would I want non-standard playable cards in a product that claims to have ONLY standard legal cards in it! FIX THiS!

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  13. Golden packs progress not working with MoM packs

    Bought 1 pack of MoM on 6/27/2023. Had 5 golden packs progress, still showing 5 after.

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  14. golden pack tick not progressing after purchasing pack

    did not get a tick in the golden pack progress after purchasing a MOM pack from daily deal
    saw people suggesting to ask MTG Arena support about it to get the tick so here i am
    i will be waiting for the response

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  15. MoM Pack doesn't give golden pack progress

    I bought MoM pack today but it doesn't advance golden pack meter despite advertisement on the store screen.

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  16. Daily Deal packs do not give Golden pack progress

    I play on Android, the game is up to date. Today's special in the store is a MoM pack at 10% off. I bought one, expecting to get 1/10 progress towards a Golden Pack, but instead I remain at 0/10. The prompt under the Golden Pack progress bar says that progress can be earned by purchasing packs from one of the latest sets, including MoM. There is no indication that a daily deal pack is any different from a regular one in this regard. Please increase my Golden Pack progress as advertised.

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  17. Bought Pack, but Golden Pack meter did not advance

    I bought the MoM Pack in the Daily Deals, but the Golden Pack counter did not go up by one.
    Can you take a look and maybe fix it. Thanks

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  18. Golden Pack gives non-Standard cards

    Hi Wizards,
    I’ve just opened a Golden pack which gave me a card from the new LOTR set. I read the description on the main WotC that Golden pack only contains cards from Standard. Please help me to understand this

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  19. LOTR Prerelease Packs Gone

    I entered in this code from the LoTR prerelease event on my Arena account:


    It showed that I claimed the six packs and told me that they would be available to open on June 20th, 2023. Upon updating the game, these packs disappeared. All I have now are the three packs given to everyone.

    Please refund immediately.

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  20. LOTR prerelease boosters lost after update

    I redeemed LOTR prerelease boosters code last weekend. Six boosters was shown locked in the Packs section. After todays update boosters had disappeared and now the store says the code has been used.

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