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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

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3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

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6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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574 results found

  1. Not enough mastery orbs

    As you can see, I have 3 open spots for orbs but can only get one more. The mastery pass is not providing enough orbs to complete mastery.

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  2. 22 votes

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  3. Not receiving Mythic Rewards on Mastery Pass

    I have not received any of my Mythic Card Rewards on the battle pass. I’ve been receiving only common or uncommon.

    I am level 79.

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  4. Mythic Pack without mythic card

    Hello Wizard
    I paid for 1 Dominaria United Mythic Pack but I didn't receive any Mythic card (i receive 1 rare wildcard).

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  5. pase de maestria no entrega cartas miticas

    el pase de batalla entrega cartas poco comunes cunado debería entregar cartas míticas, solicito por favor se resuelva este error

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  6. MTGA Dominaria United prerelease code redeemed, clicked redeem, but no packs were delivered

    Arena code from prerelease event was entered and accepted fine. Upon clicking "REDEEM" I have one pack, not six, in my PACKS tab. Tried code again and it says it has already been used.

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  7. Prerelease code not working

    I picked up a Dominaria United prerelease pack and the code inside doesn’t work. I tried a few times in case of errors on my end but to no avail. It simply gives an error message saying that the code is wrong or already redeemed.

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  8. Bought Mythic Pack, got a Rare wildcard

    I purchased a new SNC mythic pack using 1300 gold, when I opened it, I got a rare wildcard. That doesn't seem right to me. I figure it is a bug, but if this is how it can work, you should fix it. Worse case you should get a mythic WC.

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  9. Bought bundle, cards in bundle not available to use

    After making a purchase from the store with gold, I did not receive the cards from the bundle.

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  10. unopened packs disappeared

    A few days ago i activated a code in the store giving me packs for the yet to be released expansion.
    Although the Packs tab still has a shiny dot under it, the packs themselves are now gone. Or invisible.

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  11. Can't purchase in store.

    i have been unable to use the store for a while now, i have Reinstalled the client to know avail. If i can't use the store i can't play

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  12. Store error: internal error

    I can’t buy things in the store with gold or gems that I have. I bought the $5 beginners pack or whatever it’s called. Now I get “store error: internal error”. Don’t know what to do. Wanna spend money but it won’t let me.

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  13. Gold Wild cards drop from Mythic packs

    So I would like you to make it so, GOLD wild cards, can't drop in mythic packs, maybe just have them drop mythic wild cards instead?

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  14. Game crash on IOS

    The game continue crashing when we open it on IOS, it’s been 4 days now we can’t play…
    It’s not possible to delete the app and reinstall 1gb for each match we play

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  15. Mythic Bootser Pack not Giving Mythic

    I paid for Mythic Booster Pack for Streets of Capenna, and did not reciver any Mythic.

    Why is this happing.

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  16. Mastery Pass Mythic ICR Not Awarded

    I received a mythic ICR at Level 8 on the New Capenna Mastery Pass, but did not receive one at level 11 on the pass. I got an uncommon ICR from the Daily Win rewards and should have received the pass' mythic ICR at the same time.

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  17. Missing 5th mythic pack from bundle

    After opening 4 out of 5 mythic packs, the 5th pack disappeared.

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  18. Mythic Packs - should have explanation on drop rates page

    Mythic Packs should be explained on the drop rates page,

    Exactly what are the chances that the Mythic Rare slot can instead be a Rare wildcard -- is the most pressing issue.

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  19. 128 votes

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  20. 33 votes

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