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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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25700 results found

  1. Improve customer confidence in MTG, and implement product redemption keys into real-life physical products.

    I sent this via email, but got seemingly auto-replied to by a routine copy-and-paste message telling me to come to the forums... Corporate run arounds, what-have-you, so I'm doing just that, lol. Anyway, I'm going to just get the rough stuff out of the way:
    This game's model makes me uncomfortable to invest in.

    Now, some background: I've spent thousands of dollars a year on the Pokemon TCG for about 20 years now (I'm 28), but I'm looking to get away from the game and replace it with something more intricate and challenging... And I've been looking at MTG, as…

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  2. Social justice woman avatar with shaved head and beard ?????

    I was going to purchase a mastery pass for the first time, as I started late in the Zendikar season and like the game. However, today I was greeted with a non-binary social justice woman, sporting a beard and shaved head.

    There is no way that I will pollute my account with that. You have gone off the deep end, and are attempting to pander to a market which does not exist, with utterly disgusting identity politics. The avatar looks similar to someone who randomly ****** punched me on public transit, in our new lawless society. I play the game…

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  3. MTGA is trash, WoTC is greedy

    For all the money WoTC makes every year you would think they'd offer a better quality service than this MTGA bullsshhiitt. Just about every aspect of the software is awful. I've also noticed that the bullshiitt "unity crash handler" they run along with the main software causes more hangups and crashes than it helps, it also eats up an unbelievable amount of memory for all it functions as. You can run the game without unity crash handler with absolutely no problems at all. Also, with the advent of this game on mobile devices I see a lot of lawsuits on…

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  4. weekly wins

    The weekly wins are just 15 like the daily wins ... it doesn't make sense win 15 games, that you can easily do it in just 1 day playing. It would be better there were more than 15, Even because after those it's impossible level up in the pass. You don't get any others exp points from nowhere.

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  5. Bug report

    I played an Akroan war and I wasn't allowed to take control of my oponents creature. There was no reason why I shouldn't have been allowed to target it.

    I lost the match because of this.

    Sure would be nice if the money I spent on this game would go towards making it actually playable. There's an idea!

    And now I cant even post this bug report on your website. What are you guys spending all this money on if your sites aren't even usable?

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  6. Missing decks and missing cards collection

    While playing again mtga this year on mobile. I found out that lots of my cards in my collection were missing. Including decks that I built last 2018(my red deck with lots of rares and mythics) my esper deck, and my boros feather deck card inside have missing cards inside. You can also see my scrnshots that my other preconstructed decks also have missing cards inside.

    Hope to get a feedback from you guys

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  7. ゴジラスタイル


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  8. More Friendly AND Competitive Game Modes

    1) Two-Headed Giant

    2) FNM/Event style modes, available for friendly battles

    3) Historic Brawl

    4) Ranked Brawl

    5) In Friendly Brawl matches, and all game types, allow for best of 3.

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  9. Block Users in Play

    I'd like to be able to block certain players in Play Mode. I understand that in Ranked Mode you should be aligned with anyone ever. It is a purposefully competitive game mode. But I view Play Mode as a casual gameplay mode / mode used to help refine new deck builds. There are a few players I've come across in Play who have incredibly aggressive and refined decks. Great for them but Play feels like an inappropriate place to play those competitive decks. It completely sours the gameplay experience for me and makes me put the game down for days…

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  10. played a land at the last second before my turn ended, then next turn cannot use that land.

    i played a mountain at the end of my turn and then next turn i couldn't play my R cmc spell. next turn i played a plains and i couldn't play the RW cmc spell. the land wouldn't tap.

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  11. Game locked! Please refund Draft coins!

    Cast Draugr Thought-Thief but couldn't select either player so game timed out and I lost.. Great would have won otherwise

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  12. see screenshot.. this is pretty typical for the disgusting lack of attention to detail of the programmers ..lazy programing is all it is

    um, most of the time trample creatures have a red aura that flickers, and at the very least it should be showing up as a symbol.. the fact that the card says ... does not tell me AANYtHING! um theres plenty of room in the upper left to put the numbers and more symbols etc.. putting just some of the symbols is not ok, if you dont want to put all the ability symbols then just DONT USE SYMBOLS at all and that way ill be forced to always read the card instead of relying on the stupid dam symbols..…

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  13. Ban Tibalt Trickery

    Turn two Ulamog, Ugin, Genesis Ultimatum, etc. Who thought this was a good idea? Love the idea of a red counter with a drawback, but the wording should have been an opponent's spell. Turned a good idea into a sigh worthy trend.

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  14. this is minor issue but... THE MUSIC NEEDS to STOP changing volume levels!

    the music is fine, its good, its nice, but i have it muted all the time now, why? because you guys decided its ok to play music that has lulls of near silence followed by super loud crescendos of super high volume! i shouldnt have to hire a DJ or be a DJ and constantly keep changing the volume up and down and up and down depending on which part of the music is playing. the music is supposed to be at a steady constant volume. so that way someone can set the music volume at a comfortable level and…

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  15. make the programmers PLAY MTGO and learn from it , PUT IN AUTOYIELDING for any card! right click to select yielding!

    another idea that should have been implemented since the BETA.. just like MTGO, you need to be able to right click ANY card and have a way to select "ALWAYS AUTO YIELD TO THIS CARDS EFFECTS"! its so obvious! i dont need to click resolve or resolve all a zillion times. i dont need to click autopass and lose because of autopassing something important.. it needs to be on a card by card basis.. for instance a lame harmless card like midnight clock and all its counters.. i cant do a darn thing about the counters and especially if there…

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  16. needs to AUTO SORT/ORGANIZE the cards that are IDENTICAL! on your hand and opponents hand

    shameful that this is not already done. its bad enough i have to organize my hand and waste time. the game is so lame it will not and cannot even put IDENTICAL CARDS TOGETHER?!? really?! so not only does it leave your hand a stinking pile of disorganized chaos.. but then if i cast any card that shows my opponents hand, NOW I HAVE TO SEE HIS PIGSTY OF A DISORGANIZED MESS as well! so he might have ten cards in his hand and have 4 of the same card, but it takes me forever to know that since the…

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  17. for the 100th time, list simple numerical stats somewhere in the corner like, HOW MUCH CONVERTED MANA YOU HAVE AVAILABLE, to save time !

    ive asked this so many times before, since we are all forced to play speed magic,instead of just taking our time... it is NOT that easy to count all of your available mana sometimes , especially when you have a lot of lands in play and artifacts etc! the game client already knows if i have 12 mana available for instance, so why do i have to waste precious seconds on my game timer to sit there and count all my mana just by eyeballing my untapped lands and artifacts! plus the fact that i should get this same info…

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  18. ANY CARD with x in the cost should ALSO have a button to click that says "MAX" ! so i dont have to waste time counting all my mana!

    ANY CARD with x in the cost should ALSO have a button to click that says "MAX" ! so i dont have to waste time counting all my mana!

    this is so OBVIOUSLY needed.. another thing that should have been added long long ago.. you guys used to have a button for plus 1 minus 1, then you geniuses decided to add a plus 5 minus 5, but you couldnt think of this MAXIMUM button ? for example yet again, heliods intervention, it asks what you want to do, you click gain life, it asks WHO to gain life, OMG…

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  19. give more TIME to play certain complex cards!

    give more TIME to play certain complex cards! like heliods intervention,which asks lame obvious questions like, "which player to gain life?"..duh.. or makes you select targets to destroy because it actually thinks you are probably going to want to destroy your own permanents.

    all the cards are NOT created equal. right now you programmers give people as much extra time to play a basic creature which resolves instantly as you do to play a complicated card that asks you a series of questions.. if you dont answer all the questions in time, the turn ends and the spell goes UNCASTed…

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  20. Tibalt's Trickery is Garbage Fire

    Stupid card. If I want to play a game decided by a coin flip, I can do it without giving you my money.

    Fix your garbage fire!

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