MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
14362 results found
Soaring Sandwing plainscycling
I am unable to plaincycle soaring sandwing. the card as written has plainscycling, however when I hover over the creature, the reminder text does not show. Other land cycling creatures have the reminder text show for their cycling or land cycling ability.
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205 votes -
Unable to Click in Mac Client after KTK Update
Even after fully uninstalling, manually deleting all MTGA files off my hard drive, and doing a fresh reinstall, no mouse clicks are registered in the game client. It loads fine, the Home Screen displays, and I can move the mouse cursor, but there are no hover animations -- i.e., hovering is not recognized -- and no clicks are recognized either. The game is totally unplayable.
193 votes -
Awaken Bug with Clutch of Currents
Awaken Bugged with card, Clutch of Currents is bugged, that awaken cast mode always causes auto tapper to tap the land you target to get counters and become a creature, even with full control. Resulted in a loss at 6-2
26 votes -
Indebted servant Bestow Bug
After Indebted Servant is bestowed, once the enchanted creature dies and the Servant becomes a creature as it falls off, it does not join the row of other normal creatures but instead hides under them like it’s on its own layer, making it hard to target, tap, etc.
IOS platform, MH3 drafts
83 votes -
missing mastery pass rewards
The mastery pass rewards do not pay out anymore
The mastery pass winnings do not pay out. The normal bonus mastery track pays out normally but the mastery pass does not. I should have received a number of rewards for lvl's 38 and up but got none, not cardpacks, no orbs and not the merry beasty.
please fix this.
34 votes -
Unable to sideboard in game 3 on mobile
In a ranked Bo3 match, between games 1 & 2, I was able to access my sideboard and make changes to my deck. In between games 2 & 3 however, when viewing my deck and sideboard, I could not add cards from my sideboard into my deck by tapping them; I was able to remove (or add additional copies) cards from my deck by using the + and - buttons, but could not replace them with cards that were in the sideboard and not the maindeck- obviously though, I could not register fewer cards than legal, so I was unable…
48 votes -
Can't login to new account post 5/23 update.
I can not get into my account. It was created last night on 22MAY2024 and verified through verification email. Today I can not log in.
91 votes -
Card Effect or Translation incorrect
The card "The Safe Looter" had a different effect than what is written!
The card says that when entering battlefield the target player discards a card and loses one life and the effect is not that. This problem affected performance in the draft.
90 votes -
Exhaust elvish refueler
An opponent just exhausted their creature on my turn after I played an elvish refueler. Given the text says "you may activate exhaust abilities", it should not apply to my opponent on my turn as well.
15 votes -
Starfield of Nyx turns itsself into a creature when the card says "Other" enchantments
Starfield of nyx is not supposed to turn itself into a 5/5 enchantment creature, but it does.
I have posted a screenshot of this
(This bug made me lose the game btw!)16 votes -
Viewing graveyard
I've noticed since the bloomburrow release when I click on any player's graveyard to view the cards there, it will take an extremely long time for the window to pop up if it does at all. I have not had any internet issues or any other slow downs in game. I have had this issue across devices and networks.
54 votes -
After the Alchemy: Bloomburrow update, the daily quest XP and the daily win XP are stucked and not increasing
After the Alchemy: Bloomburrow update, the daily quest XP and the daily win XP are stucked and not increasing.
At the beginning of the day, I was at Mastery level 32 and 750 XP. I have completed the 500 XP daily quest and the 10 daily wins for 25 XP each. I would have been at Mastery level 33 and 500 XP, but I only recived 25 XP for the first daily win and now I'm still stucked at Mastery level 32 and 775 XP (750 XP + 25 daily win XP).
725 XP were not credited.
Solve this bug,…
42 votes -
Unable to change decks for gameplay
I have not been able to switch between decks in any form of play, whether it be normal play, ranked, or practice against the Bot. When I click on the deck box, It brings up a screen for 'ENGLISH: Act I - WAR Lore Event - Momir.' When I try to click Ranked, Play or Brawl, it adds that option to the right of the screen however number of times I do it.
37 votes -
Elvish Refueler Bugged
Elvish Refueler not working as intended not allowed to continually exhaust it once per turn as the card allows. Lost premier game due to this and want a refund on the draft.
13 votes -
osteomancer adept forage does not work
- Have Osteomancer Adept on battlefield and no longer has summoning sickness
- Tap Osteomancer Adept to activate "forage" ability
- Have 4 or more cards in graveyard -- no food tokens on battlefield
- Choose a creature spell to cast from graveyard
- Attempt to select cards to exile to forage.
Expected: Able to choose three cards from graveyard to exile to meet forage requirement
Actual: Cards are treated as though they will be played instead of being able to select them and click Submit.
Note: the ability does work if you have a food token to sacrifice
Lost at least one Sealed game…
39 votes -
Using Exhaust Multiple Times
I just played in a Premier draft. Both me and my opponent were able to use exhaust more than once. As you can see, my keen buccaneer has 2 counters on it and his boom scholars have been triggers multiple times. I feel like I am due a refund for this event too.
13 votes -
Remove Digital-Only Cards from the Timeless Format
The timeless format is a big step forward and many players, including myself are excited to start playing it.
However, the constant pushing of digital only designs and pursuit of empty slogans such as "all cards on arena are legal" add nothing to the excitement and health of the format, many players would rather a true to paper experience with as little digital designs as possible.
Please consider removing alchemy from Timeless.
205 votes -
Mastery pass rewards not being given.
I purchased the duskmourn mastery pass. It gave me all of the prior premium rewards, however levelling up further is only giving me the free rewards and not the premium ones. Missing the rewards for levels 33, 34, and 35.
25 votes -
bloodthirsty conqueror & Enduring Tenacity infinite combo
As the title says. It seems that Bloodthirsty Conqueror heals the controller for the damage it does to an opponent. Enduring Tenacity damages your opponent for the amount you heal. And there it goes on... and on.... and on... until they're dead, of course. So not infinite in that regard... still. It appears that Bloodthirsty Conqueror is a trouble card.
22 votes -
Visual glitch with planeswalker
I played a planeswalker and this was what happened afterwards....thought??!! I had to quit the game because I obviously couldn't do anything
12 votes
- Don't see your idea?