MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
14409 results found
Visual glitch with planeswalker
I played a planeswalker and this was what happened afterwards....thought??!! I had to quit the game because I obviously couldn't do anything
12 votes -
bloodthirsty conqueror/starscape cleric combo should be banned from standard.
Bloodthirsty conqueror and starscape cleric combo is BS and one should be a banned card.
21 votes -
"Invalid Deck: Deck Validation Failed" when styles applied (since BLB)
Since BLB release (7/30), when trying to play with a deck where styles (cosmetics) have been applied, it results in a "Invalid Deck: Deck Validation Failed" error.
1) Open Deck, select "Apply Styles" to apply all card cosmetic styles
2) Go to play game (e.g. Standard ranked), error immediately appears in black box. Does not progress to game, you get returned to the deck.Platform: Mac OSX
Workaround: The same deck works without issue if you remove all styles and don't try to apply styles.43 votes -
Unable to sideboard after restarting client
I am playing on a PC.
When I restart the client and return to the game after an error occurs during a game, I cannot sideboard.
To be exact, I cannot put cards from the sideboard deck into the main deck. You can remove cards from the main deck.40 votes -
Mastery Pass reward
Did not receive DSK mastery pass level 32 reward
24 votes -
Calamity, Galloping Inferno saddle triggers
I saddled [Calamity, Galloping Inferno] with [Prickly Pair] and attacked an enemy planeswalker.
See portions of the log around 4:46:17 PM (gameStateId 346-359):
[137905] [UnityCrossThreadLogger]4/16/2024 4:46:17 PM: K74UNEOZYZC7VGWRSOXZWT42MM to Match: ClientToMatchServiceMessageType_ClientToGREMessage { "requestId": 197, "clientToMatchServiceMessageType": "ClientToMatchServiceMessageType_ClientToGREMessage", "timestamp": "638488971777989364", "transactionId": "4e36666e-8624-4e8b-98b7-e84c8d546408",
The correct behavior is for two token copies ("Repeat this process once") of [Prickly Pair] to ETB tapped and attacking, and for two mercenary tokens to be created as the token copies' ETB triggers resolve. That didn't happen.
Instead, only one token copy (instanceId 308) was created. Thus, only one ETB trigger to create one red mercenary token (instanceId 312).
85 votes -
152 votes
Tender Wildguide not stopping between phases
When holding an instant in hand that could be cast with mana produced by Tender Wildguide, the game would automatically pass phases as though I did not have enough mana to cast the instant. This did not happen with the token version of the card, only the original copy.
This was on PC 7/30/24 @1:15 PM PST
Game Version 2024.39.0.6329.108121544 votes -
BUG: Exhaust Abilities may be used infinitely during opponent turns
Exhaust abilities can be activated any number of times during opponent turns. No Elvish Refueler was on board when I encountered this bug
How to reproduce:
1. Play any card with the Exhaust ability - I used Stampeding Scurryfoot to produce the bug
2. Activate an Exhaust ability during your turn
3. Activate the same Exhaust ability during opponent's turn
4. Repeat.Platform is PC
Actual results: Able to activate Exhaust ability as many times as I have mana to pay for during opponent turn.
Results should be that the Exhaust ability cannot be activated during opponent's turn. The ability…
11 votes -
App crashing when trying to download data
SEP 12, 2024
Game crashed in the middle of a match on my s24 ultra. Tried to go back into the app but said an update was needed. Updated the app and went into the client. It says download an additional 6.46mgs. As soon as I click the download button the app crashes. Tried 10 times so far, cleared the data and cashe and even uninstalled. Still keeps crashing when I click the download button.30 votes -
Obtained cards tagged as new but were already owned
cards already owned being tagged as new
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238 votes -
Constant crashing after new update
Whenever I log into the client after the recent 9 GB update I assume in preparation for Duskmourn, the client is very laggy. When I click on another tab such as the deck tab, or even whenever I hover over the daily quest reroll, the client freezes and crashes, without me having to click on anything.
30 votes -
Can't use Ultrawide Fullscreen
Ever since the last update, ultrawide (and other unsupported screen resolutions) are now resetting to non-fullscreen mode every time we switch to a new scene. I press Alt+Enter to go into fullscreen, hit Play to search for a match, the game loads the searching scene and exits fullscreen, I press Alt+Enter again to enter fullscreen, the game scene loads, the game exits fullscreen again. It's really frustrating... Before this update, I believe I only had to manually enter fullscreen if I made changes to the video options and only because ultrawide resolution is not an actual option.
106 votes -
Unable to sideboard in best of 3
Unable to use the sideboard in best of 3. I tried to sideboard and the cards won’t get added into my deck. If I take a card out I cannot readd it either unless I clear the app and reload it
37 votes -
cant play triomes in chromatic cube
The triomes in the cube have a different art style so I can't put them in my deck despite this event should be phantom. I don't own the triomes and I don't want to pay 600 gems to get an art upgrade for a phantom event ????
67 votes -
Weekly experience rewards aren't rewarding any experience towards mastery. Upon completion of winning a game the counter of weekly experience ticks up, the notification appears, however no progress is logged towards the mastery completion. I play MTGA through my Android phone and don't use any other devices to play. The expected event is obtaining 250-275 experience per win, however none is added to the mastery progress after the notification appears, which claims that it has been. Screenshots attached of totals prior to winning a match, notice of reward given, and evidence of no reward recorded.
35 votes -
Tender wildguide not allowing to put counters on
Tender wildguide wasn't allowing me to add counters to it. Only mana ability was allowed to work.
45 votes -
Duskmourne Alchemy Event Bug at 11/06
Since 11/05/2024 the alchemy event (Bo1) is giving OTJ Alchemy packs as reward instead of Duskmourne ones.
For me, are already 3 events that I recieve the wrong rewards.18 votes -
helm of the host
Helm of the Host is giving me tokens of any creature equipped with any equipment card.
45 votes -
Cannot edit deck
- Go to decks
- Select deck to edit (Angels).
- click edit deck
it just goes to wafting for the server message and loading
57 votes
- Don't see your idea?