MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
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15415 results found
Ban Fires of Invention in Brawl
The card is insanely broken. Free Commanders every turn, and how convenient that you can now use your freed-up lands to pay commander tax? If you can't get it off the battlefield, you just lose every time. It's unfun, oppressive, and uninteractive Magic.
6 votes -
Spontaneous Loss
So far, I have experienced two events of spontaneous loss. Both occurred on my turn, I did not concede the match or mistakenly do so, and my opponents had no active effects in play that would cause me to lose in such a way. Long and short of it, I suddenly lost for no logical reason. My internet connection is solid, so it's not that. Included the log of the most recent Spontaneous Loss. Very frustrating when you're playing ranked.
WotC, get this on lock. TIME NOW.
50 votes -
Missing rare and mythic rare wild cards after opening packs
I was opening M21 packs (the 50 pack bundle) and I was monitoring how many mythic rare and rare wild cards I was getting.
Doing that monitoring I saw on the wild card section that several rares and mythic rares wild cards that I opened weren't updating the values on the wild card section.
27 votes -
Matchmaker is completely BROKEN, and it's making this game unplayable. Back to back to back matches against rogues. If it's not rogues, its another deck. All I want to do is have fun, and play random decks. Why am I constantly facing the same decks? Where's the variety? This makes the game extremely boring seeing the same thing over and over again. MAKE THE MATCHMAKING RANDOM. Programming win rates and deck contents and all this **** is ruining the experience.
9 votes -
Mastery Pass Mythic Individual Card Reward not beeing awarded/displayed
Please merge with "Mastery Pass Mythic Individual Card Reward not beeing awarded/displayed ".
Upon completing my game against a green deck I was not awarded my Mythic Card Reward for completing level 56 of the Mastery Pass Rewards.
99 votes -
bug reports not taking
I have been trying to post a bug (with logs) for 2 days and this site won't accept my reports.
12 votes -
Offer Arena Gift Cards
Similar to Xbox, World of Warcraft, and others, having the ability to purchase in game credit at stores/online makes for an easy gift and more profit for Wizards.
6 votes -
Server Issues
Auto-conceding battles because of server issues. Checked own connections and network and no issues with anything outside of the MTG Arena app.
See log file attached.
47 votes -
Arena on macOS crashes
Environment: Macbook Pro w/ Touchbar. macOS v10.15.4
Repro steps:
1. Go into the "Play" queue
2. Play a game (Standard)
3. Finish the game
4. About 50% of the time, Arena will crash
5. Re-opening Arena will show the following message: "An asset error occurred during your last play session."25 votes -
15 votes
15 votes
My timeout ropes used up by my opponent's actions
My opponent was running a Mill deck and I had Gaia's Blessings in my deck, so they kept stacking mill triggers and mill triggers. I click "resolve all", but while all the triggers are going, it's MY rope that's burning even though I clicked "resolve all" and it's THEIR triggers taking up all the time.
18 votes -
performance issues making game entirely unplayable on mid-range rig.
the entirety of the game is in dire need of major fixes. With a radeon 5700 XT and 2600X ryzen processor this game is currently unplayable due to stacked shufflers throwing match after match into an artificial losers queue with probabilities now in the 1 in 1.3*10^4 for just one of the four in a row, then promptly throwing into black screen matches that end in a draw. I'm not even able to complete quests giving me absolutely zero reason to come back and play the game since the actual gameplay is buggy, laggy, and stacked
5 votes -
Traditional Standard Ranked play does not reward ranks
Both today and yesterday BO3 standard ranked did not reward me any ranks when I won the Bo3s. The usual rank gained/lost interface does not show up but quest rewards interface does. Checked my rank yesterday after 2 won Bo3s and did not gain any ranks.
21 votes -
Can't Sideboard
Sideboarding with Keruga has no effect.
Btw games 1 and 2, and 2 and 3, I switch cards btw my sideboard and main deck like normal. Cards I sideboarded out get drawn, cards I sided in are never seen. This is happening in ranked and in traditional standard events.
37 votes -
Low graphical performance play mode
Hi there,
it would be amazing if there was an "low graphical performance" play mode, were the graphics would go e.g. 2D. This might safe battery on a notebook and the game might run smoother in some battle which went "wilder".
its just anying to loose because your opponent created a several hundreds of token at once and your computre couldn t handle it. and then you lose because of timeout...
7 votes -
Mastery Pass Mythic Card Reward Missing
I've purchased a mastery pass this time around and when i've reached level 39 to receive my mythic card reward all i saw was the uncommon "Cauldron Familiar", and im not sure if that was from the daily reward or not.
Either way im unsure if i got the mythic card and if thats the case what can i do about it?
thanks in advance23 votes -
game crashes
The game crahes very often in every mode. I cant rejoin till the game is over. It always crashes again.
23 votes -
Omniscience Draft, Never again
This should not be a paid event ever. This is a pure game of luck of who got the card draw / who got to go first.
I'm actually quite mad I paid 5000 gold to play in this event.
It was not fun at all, and it feels like you flip a coin and the winner of the flip wins the game. Except flipping a coin is more fun that watching your opponent draw into double mind rot on turn 1.
5 votes -
Ooops something went wrong while updating
What the title says. I can't launch the game because it started updating. Then gave that error. Now gives that error every time I try to launch.
28 votes
- Don't see your idea?