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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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14373 results found

  1. Doppelgang for 15 resolved and then resulted in a draw

    I doppelganged for 15 including lands and virtue of strength and a few vampire creatures. I resolved almost all of the triggers and then my opponent timed out on the 15 blood token triggers and then the game ended in a draw due to an error. I was pretty unhappy because I wanted to worldsoulds rage him for 1.7 billion when he was at 1 :(. Is this what I should expect to happen when using doppelgang for X= numbers above like 5? Or can I keep trying to do dumb stuff?

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  2. 2 votes

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  3. Authority of the Consuls

    Vorrei avere delucidazioni riguardo un presunto bug che ho subito durante una partita di un evento Historic, in cui io, dopo aver settato 2 Authority of the Counsels sul terreno non guadagnavo vite contro la combo avversaria causata da Prospettore di Skirk + Goblin Putrido + Pashalik Mons, la quale invece mi toglieve costantemente una vita ogni volta che veniva sacrificato un Goblin Putrido. Vorrei capire come mai pur triggerando tutte quante le abilità e pur utilizzando il Total Control, il mio avversario riusciva a togliermi un punto vita e io non riuscivo a guadagnarne neanche uno.

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  4. Shuffler

    After reviewing all the people reporting the same issue it's clear that your company not only doesn't care about anything we say, but you must like the shuffler. Did the development team manager's brother make it and you can't get rid of it or he starts to hit his helmet he has to wear? Did you fail math? Have you heard of statistics before? No, no you haven't and no you clearly can't do math. It's so great to see lazy software companies take a beloved game and make it unplayable because of their choices. Maybe, just maybe you can…

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  5. Arena Store Unusable on MacOS

    Every time I try to purchase anything with real money (not gems or gold), it displays "Waiting for Server" and I cannot do anything. I have to restart Arena to do anything. I was able to log into Arena on my Iphone and make purchases without any issues. So this bug is specific to the MacOS. All software is up to date.

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  6. Koma, cosmos serpent. Crashing bug

    The last few months I’ve noticed on iOS Crashing bug with “Koma, cosmos serpent.“. Whenever it is cast both players crash but due to the timer it force resigns whoever didn’t cast it. I’ve found this bug frustrating because it seems more and more people know about it and are just using it for bug abuse wins. 95% of time it doesn’t let me rejoin but this time it did for long enough to get screenshots.

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  7. Flash abilities activate while cloaked with Cryptic Coat

    Friend was playing explorer and rattlechains was cloaked with Cryptic Coat. Rattlechains ability to give spirits flash was still activated even while flipped down with Cryptic Coat

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  8. Opponent's Dig Through Time Timed Me Out

    Opponent's Dig Through Time timed me out and opponent won the match. I didn't have any possible game actions. I've spent thousands in this game over the years. I'm never playing MTG or spending money on this game or it's associated products again.

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  9. Phyrexian unlife isn't poisoning

    (Android) During a Brawl game my opponent played Phyrexian unlife, so with Sheoldred the apocalypse and Jin Gitaxias on the battlefield i've cast Peer into the abyss making my opponent target of both copies. My opponent lost ¾ of his/her life, drawed ¾ of his/her library and lost life because of Sheoldred triggers but did't get the poison counters.

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  10. xp stopped increasing

    XP has stopped increasing today. I'm stuck at lvl 54 725/1000XP. It won't go up even when I'm completing daily and weekly quests. Playing via Epic games store. Seemed to be working yesterday. Things I did yesterday probably included: completing the survey, solving clues 3 and 4 (which gave xp), building "thewayisopen" deck (which definitely gave the 5000xp, not sure I've received any since then). Hope that helps. Please sort this ASAP, cos what was the point in getting the Mastery pass if you won't let us gain XP. Thanks

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  11. iOS crash on match start since MKM

    Around 1/3 of my matches now crash app as soon as the match starts. On restarting app it will always crash when connecting to app.
    This started on the MKM release patch and has made the game unplayable. I’m using an apple X and game runs smoothly the other 1/3 when the bug doesn’t occur.

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  12. "Complete Jump In! 3 Times and get a Jump In! event token" is broken.

    I first suspected something about a week ago but I thought I did not level up enough, I used 4000 or 5000 Gold trying to get the token. I tried the last few days and when I play a Jump in event, I play a couple of games leave (exit app) and come back later (a hour or two) all progress is gone.

    Is this normal?

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  13. Mouse pointer missing on PC in 2024.35.10.5372.1057087

    Mouse pointer is missing since 2024.35.10.5372.1057087 update. Cards, links, buttoin highlight when mouse is moved over them but there is no pointer on screen

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  14. dig through time

    Second time it happened to me that game freezes when dig through time is cast with floated mana.

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  15. Game closes out when opponent plays a certain card

    There may be other triggers to this, but I have play a few games now where my opponent will play “Koma, Cosmos Serpent” and my game will crash and close out. It will then take me 1-5 tries of getting back into the game (without it crashing again) before it will resume the match.
    Again, I’m not sure if there are other cards or triggers but the constant I am finding for me is the Koma card

    I am playing on iOS

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  16. delve problem

    delve bug: game freezes when you first tap mana and then remove cards from your graveyard before casting a delve card. You have to remove cards from your graveyard before tapping mana. Lost numerous games trough freezing :(.

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  17. Targeting too many permanents with Doppelgang?

    Targeting too many permanents with Doppelgang caused an error and a draw.
    Game resulted in a draw instead of giving me 12 copies of each permanent I targeted. This shouldn't even break MTGA's token limit (144 copies total).
    Instead of the game ending in a draw, I should have gotten 12 copies of each of the permanents I targeted.
    As you can see in the screenshot I targeted 12 permanents with Doppelgang and then there was an error (I did not write down the error code) and the game ended in a draw.

    It happened again today. This time…

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  18. Doppelgang targetting Nyxbloom Ancient causes draw when cast for X=4 or greater

    Casting Doppelgang for X = 4 or greater causes the game to immediately draw. This first happened in a Historic Brawl match, but I created a deck to test it in a bot match and found the same results. It works normally for X=3 or less, or when the spell is cast not targetting Nyxbloom. I'm pretty sure that it used to be possible to make more copies of Nyxbloom Ancient.

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  19. ban etali

    Ban Etali, it's a fun-killer. Just got one played and duplicated on me, this guy's playing it 4 times and playing all my cards. Not cool, not fun, not interesting, just annoying.

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  20. Error Updating Data After Opening App

    I too am getting the Error Updating Data message when my connection to internet is working otherwise. This is on Android. I have tried Uninstaller and redownloading the app, restarting phone, etc.

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