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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

4.       Enter the expected results of the feature

5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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15463 results found

  1. matchmaking screen

    sometimes when i go to matchmaking to play a game it gets stuck on the currently waiting screen and won't let me cancel. even closing the program doesn't help, I end up having to uninstall and re-install

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  2. I was unable to make my opponent the target of spells.

    (PC) I was unable to make my opponent the target of spells like Sweet Oblivion and Sleep.

    7 votes
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  3. Ranked queue for Brawl

    Please consider creating a Ranked queue for Brawl. It would give players another option to earn rewards for those who do not want to play Standard, Historic, or Draft.

    16 votes
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  4. 9 votes
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  5. Scry

    After Scry and choose top as destination, when drawing the card is different

    42 votes
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  6. black screen launch

    Despite the latest hotfix, still impossible to launch the game => black screen.
    Windows 7 64bits

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  7. Lend decks to your friends

    Hey, so you know how as a heavy magic player and collector you've always had this friend or bunch of friends who would have a blast playing, but didn't have the time or money to invest in their own deck?

    Playing with pre-mades quickly got boring because they always need a bit of work and polishing to truly shine, so they end up becoming your new deck testers.

    Could this become a thing in MTG Arena? I for one would love to give my friends who are new to MTG a chance to get a good taste on the game…

    5 votes
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  8. Historic VS standard In Standard play

    Since the Zendikar release patch I've been playing completely standard legal decks with all standard legal cards in the regular 'Play' queue and I have been getting matched against people playing historic decks/cards. I have even checked for cards that the 'Standard' filter isn't catching like Impassioned Orator and I am still facing people with historic decks.

    19 votes
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  9. Wishlist

    Create a wish, watch or favorites list. This will help players with purchasing or crafting at a later time.

    6 votes
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  10. Not getting mastery pass xp

    Game is bugged and robbing ppl of the mastery pass rewards.

    You will have an amount of xp missing for the next reward... you will get that xp and more... AND NOT GET IT COUNT TOWARDS THE PASS!

    45 votes
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  11. Imporved Search function & Organize Sleeve Collection

    I have two suggestions I think would be a solid addition to the client.

    First, and most important. There is no way currently in the client to search for keywords based on mechanics that use only a symbol. For example, the energy mechanic cannot be search and filtered through what is currently available in the client. This makes deck building tedious and difficult. Myself as well as others would prefer to either add the symbol in as a filter option or associate the symbol to the keyword it is referring to.

    Second is more for cosmetic reasons. I have a…

    6 votes
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  12. Deck Builder crashes

    Arena crashes recently while deckbuilding without saving the current deck. It happens mostly when you check for deck stats.

    It extremly annoying when you can't brew decks and have to copy paste your deck from the internet just because the deckbuilder its programmed poorly.

    47 votes
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  13. Juego se cierra en cada partida

    Desde ayer (25/06) el juego se cierra en cada partida, perdi draft y cada partida que realice, probe desistalar el juego, pero el problema persiste

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  14. Long opponent combo caused my timeout to get used.

    An opponent had combo generating lots of card interaction. I checked the resolve all box to get passed it but stupid Arena kept pausing on every triggered ability over a minute. This caused Arena pop-up a timeoout fuse on ME! for an oppponent's combo taking too long.
    If someone checks RESOLVE ALL get **** Arena to accelerate the resolution after the first few abilities. No one wants to sit through the same abilities triggering over and over for a minute or more.

    22 votes
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  15. Card is picked with just one click.

    "Pestilent haze" is picked just one click at about 2nd draft-pick-phase.
    I remember other "one click picking" is happened at that draft but I was cautious after "Pestilent haze".

    36 votes
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  16. MTGA is trash, WoTC is greedy

    For all the money WoTC makes every year you would think they'd offer a better quality service than this MTGA bullsshhiitt. Just about every aspect of the software is awful. I've also noticed that the bullshiitt "unity crash handler" they run along with the main software causes more hangups and crashes than it helps, it also eats up an unbelievable amount of memory for all it functions as. You can run the game without unity crash handler with absolutely no problems at all. Also, with the advent of this game on mobile devices I see a lot of lawsuits on…

    7 votes
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  17. 90 votes
    24 comments  ·  Gameplay  ·  Admin →
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  18. Product suggestion

    Game keeps closing down at start if duels, and at certain card animations (e.g the summoning of 'Koma, cosmos serpent'l

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  19. Menu options are all blank.e all blank.

    When quality level is high or ultra, mac version's menu options are all blank consistently. My machine is a Mac mini(2018), 3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, 32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4, with a rx 5700 xt 8g(egpu).

    16 votes
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  20. menu has no text

    The main menu (when pressing Esc) has no text when brought up during a game, and after that even in the lobby.

    30 votes
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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions


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