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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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How to report a bug

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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25479 results found

  1. Unable to cast spells

    I was unable to cast spells that i had plenty of mana to cast, he had played terror of the peaks and when my turn came i tried to cast Lullmage's Domination to gain control of the terror of the peaks, he had 15 cards in his graveyard which reduces the casting cost of lullmage's domination by 3 colorless mana so to take terrror of the peaks i needed to have 3 blue mana plus 2 due to the casting cost reduction when i cast it and chose that X=5 i clicked auto pay and it told me i had…

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  2. Matchmaking sucks! I am tired of constant mirror matches

    Matchmaking in Arena is unbalanced and unfair and most of all unfun. Constant mirror matches suck! Constantly playing against the same decks regardless of opponent sucks! please do true natural random matchmaking. skill based and deck strength matchmaking sucks and isn't fun.

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  3. Problema durante la partida...

    Súbitamente durante la partida, no logré pasar de turno y la partida se congeló...

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  4. nine lives+ solemnity

    when I attack with 6 tokens with counters on them it gave nine lives 6 counters. then my opponet played solemnity the round after.
    when its my turn again I attack with the same creatures. and the game just flashes the opponents solemnity and nothing more happens.

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  5. Ikoria Quick Draft Bug

    I'm playing on PC. When trying to build a deck for the Ikoria Quick Draft event on MTG Arena, I completed my draft and when finalising my deck the game crashed. Upon reloading I was given a message telling me it was an asset error. I tried again, but as soon as I hit Build Your Deck it crashed again, same as before.

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  6. Translation Needed Bug (#NTranslationNeeded message)

    In French, It happens that when opponent ability is activated with mutate, the message of the "badge"of the ability that have to be resolved has an error message.
    instead of the ability message, it is written "#N ranslationNeeded"

    i send you 2 screenshots

    1) TranslationNeeded1.png : Brushfire Elemental (Élémental de feu de brousse) is being mutate by Migratory Greathorn (Grandcorne migrateur).

    2) TranslationNeeded2.png- the mutated creature is mutated another time with Auspicious Starrix (Starrix prospère)

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  7. Game Glitch

    Game just cause creatures to act like they were gone. Not sure what happened exactly but they were case and then not able to block or attack like they were not there.

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  8. Un-ban Uro

    Ban Genesis Ultimatum and The Great Henge.
    Un-ban Uro.

    Gruul and Dimir Rogues are toxic to play against.

    Uro was only banned because of Omnath. Uro and Genesis Ultimatum really shouldn't be legal at the same time because it makes it too easy to ramp to Genesis and mana-cheat your whole deck out. It's already too easy to do this as it is.

    With Gruul being able to play Embercleave or The Great Henge by turn four, along with so many excellent cheap creatures (Edgewall Inkeeper, Brushfire Elemental, Kazandu Mammoth, Questing Beast, Bonecrusher Giant, Lovestruck Beast) makes every threat a…

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  9. 2 votes

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  10. bug: no orange button in match

    i don't have any orange confirm buttons like "keep" when starting a match and deciding to keep or to mulligan the hand. The Button for changing the phases and confirming attackers is also gone.

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  11. Shrine Bug

    I'm on a PC. I'm playing a Shrine deck (standard). I had a the Stone Fangs (black) and Calm Waters (blue) Shrines down. Between the two triggers I got an error message on the screen each time. I didn't note any problems with the game, just the error popping up. If I didn't have the blue shrine trigger after the black shrine, I didn't get the error at all.

    Also, a second minor bug - on the Ikora battlefield, once the stone monoliths are broken and fall apart, the two large crystals no longer make crystal sounds, they make rock…

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  12. Card Counter/checklist for each editions

    For every edition, a counter/checklist of the cards we get to know if the set is complete. That way we don't continue to buy packs and fill up on cards that we have a lot of.

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  13. Y’all gotta start making people make their own decks

    Playing against the same deck back to back is getting ridiculous, you gotta fix something. Magic is about people creating their own decks not copying the winning decks just to advance. Y’all know that deck you’ve played against 6 times back to back. At least ban them in events or something

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  14. 44 votes

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  15. free mastery pass section and mastery time-gate and more suggestions

    for the free part of the mastery pass, there is a lot of empty slots. I'd suggest putting gold or XP in those. There's no point in just leaving them empty. Especially when the pass is time-gated. And another thing, getting rid of the time-gating when it comes to the mastery pass. Let players grind it out if they want.

    extra suggestions:
    - Bonus XP boost after purchasing the pass would be great.
    - Bonus quests for mastery pass owners.
    - Wild card bundles
    - Saheeli Rai box artwork avatar or card style (my bias)
    - Daily deal pack bundle…

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  16. Speed up Mill Effect

    Milling decks have become a very unpleasant experience to play against. The games become long and drag on.

    If there was an option to speed up the Mill Effect, it might make the experience better.

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  17. [BUG] Cannot activate wishclaw talisman given by opponent

    Opponent plays Wishclaw Talisman, uses it to search for a card and I gain ownership. On my turn, the card cannot be activated. On subsequent turns, it still cannot be activated. So opponent basically gets a free tutor with no downsides.

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  18. New Game Mode - Free Card Practice Mode

    Hello! I'm reaching out to recommend the addition of a game mode on MTG Arena. A "practice" or "free wildcards" mode, so people could test cards/decks before committing all of their wildcards and money towards things they might regret and just wanted to test, this lacking feature makes myself and others recoil from the game. To keep making Wizards money, there would need to be drawbacks to this mode, you could detract benefits from the mode like XP, Ranked games, A.I. or Direct challenge matches only, etc. I believe this would attract many more players long term. Many users of…

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  19. matchmaker

    Matchmaker is completely BROKEN, and it's making this game unplayable. Back to back to back matches against rogues. If it's not rogues, its another deck. All I want to do is have fun, and play random decks. Why am I constantly facing the same decks? Where's the variety? This makes the game extremely boring seeing the same thing over and over again. MAKE THE MATCHMAKING RANDOM. Programming win rates and deck contents and all this **** is ruining the experience.

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  20. create quests for wildcards

    How about quests for wildcards, instead of only gold. Or maybe a choice between gold and wildcards?

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