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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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14475 results found

  1. Vorniclex vs QQ lands tap out key shortcut

    Vorniclex stops the "QQ" mana tap out ability from functioning.
    If you have a lot of lands, it triggers the response from Vorniclex individually to the first land tapping and cancels out the rest of the lands tapping. This doesn't count against the play timer so you end up timing out and the mana expires since it pushes you into the next phase.
    QQ should put all the land taps on the stack and all the Vorniclex triggers with them. I lost mana multiple times when trying to tap out for spells with X in the casting cost.
    I wanted…

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  2. Frodo, Sauron's Bane not winning game as ability intends

    In numerous games I have completed the necessary parts to trigger Frodo Sauron's Bane card effect but it does not trigger. These are;
    - Have the ring tempt you 4 times
    - Active Frodo's ability on that turn
    - Inflict player damage

    I have lost 3 ranked games because of this. These are all on android and I am not sure if I can collect logs from this device?

    I would highly appreciate your help, thank you!

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  3. Amonkhet aclazotz

    The bug happens on PC, when an opponent plays 'Invasion of Amonkhet' to reanimate from my graveyard 'Aclazotz, deepest betrayal'. Whenever the 4/4 copy of the creature dies, it comes back under my opponent's control, as a copy of the 'Aclazotz' again.

    The text mentions : 'When Aclazotz dies, return it to the battle field tapped, and transformed under its owner control'. To me, this is problematic at several levels. First, the creature dying is not 'Aclazotz', but a copy of it via 'Lazotep convert'; so I am not convinced it should come back (but I may be wrong). Second,…

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  4. Freeze the game

    All of a sudden, the game stopped. Using my normal PC. See log file.

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  5. Incorrect auto tap system

    There is a huge problem with the auto tap system I will attempt to play a certain card or play cards in a certain order and I should be able to use them in that order but the auto tap system will seemingly tap lands in the worst possible way or when I personally choose to use lands in a certain order refuse to use them in that order. For example I was just in a game that was very close I would have won with ten poison counters except when I tapped the exact lands I wanted to use…

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. Bug: Go For the Throat

    During my last game, my opponent cast "Go for the Throat" on my Root token. There was no pause to allow me to tap it for a mana in response. Because of this, I was also not able to use that mana to activate the ability on my Shigeki to bring it back to my hand in response to my opponent killing it with a cut down. I don't think my Roots token had summoning sickness, but I know my Shigeki did. However, that should not matter in this situation because I had a Tyvar plainswalker down that should grant…

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  8. -1/-1

    In a Brawl game against Ashiok, Wicked Manipulator, my opponent cast a spell to give all of my creatures -2/-2 until the end of turn using Bolas's Citadel. In sequence, creatures went to the graveyard, however, a -1/-1 Deadeye Tracker remained on board. The game ended that turn, so I didn't see if I could attack with it and I do not know my opponent so I'm not sure if it persisted on their client as well.

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  9. Forced to add counters to opponents creature instead of mine?

    A player played their Surgical Skullbomb so i used Glimmerwasp to kill itself since i had 7 counters on it and game forced me to put the counters on his creature and not let me put it on mine

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  10. Aumento biblioteca de mazos

    Deseo, aumentar la biblioteca de mazos, que opciones me ofrecen para realizar dicha opción y hacerla realidad?

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  11. The crossover theme decks are horrible.

    Stop adding silly crossover decks. You've ruined MTG by letting players use multiples of cards that do things like add life every upkeep and stack with other cards to exponentially multiply the tokens that affect the life gain and they're all from these silly OP crossover decks, like LOTR, Dr. Who, etc. That has no place in MTG. It's bull and ruins the competitive feeling of the game. Also, either get rid of emotes, or give us a text box. I don't want to say Hello. I want to say hurry tf up and stop icing by letting the timer…

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  12. Unable to select a creature card after channeling Takenuma, Abandoned Mire

    When I channeled Takenuma, it milled me 3 cards, then opened a window to select a creature or planeswalker card to return to my hand but I could not select any ! There was no submit button and the title was "Surveil" !
    (I had a couple creature cards and no planeswalker card in my graveyard)
    I was stuck with this window I couldn't close and was force to conceed the game :(

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  13. infinit crafting with wildcards

    I am able to craft cards without my number of available wildcards changing.

    It looks like the missing cards have been crafted as they show up in my deckbuilder, but the number of wildcards the system claims I have is unchanged.

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  14. duplicate protection

    Duplicate protection is not working. I still have some rare and mythic cards missing in my LOTR, WAR and ELD collection but when I am opening packs I'm getting only gems.

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  15. Cost reduction?!?

    After my opponent cast Tolarian Terror, nothing was played for the correct mana value.

    Convoke cost was used to cast Meeting of Minds and no creatures got tapped and only 1 mana paid for the spell!

    Every spell saw the cost reduction of Tolarian Terror added to it!

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  16. Screen after win/defeat - Why?

    Why do we have a screen that freezes our play experience with WIN or DEFEAT?

    1. We have to wait for the screen to load.

    2. We have to click to get away from this screen.

    3. We have to click again to enter a new game.

    How about removing steps 1 & 2?

    Add a feature so we can review last played matches/battlefield status etc.

    Guess what you'll make more money this way and solve player frustration.

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  17. lord of windgrace and Echoing Deeps

    1. Have Echoing Deeps in the Graveyard. Attack or enter the battlefield with Lord of Windgrace. Select Echoing Deeps with the trigger of Soul of Windgrace. Nothing happens and I have to reselect.

    2. PC

    3. I can't choose Echoing Deeps

    4. Echoing deeps is selected and enters the battlefield

    5. No video

    6. No workaround

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  18. Arcane Proxy Bug

    I owned/controlled Surrak and Goreclaw and the opponent had a Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider as I cast Arcane Proxy for 7 (no prototype).
    I also had a Commit // Memory in my graveyard as the only legal target.

    Arcane Proxy resolved, and I put the Surrak and Goreclaw trigger to resolve first—which it did. Arcane Proxy did not receive a +1/+1 counter because of the Vorinclex and it gained Haste and Trample until the end of the turn, but the Arcane Proxy ETB trigger seems to have fizzled and did not let me exile Commit or copy it.

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  19. Tenth District Guard and Ratadrabik bug

    I came across a bug when Collect Evidence 6 with Tenth District Guard changed it to the Legendary creature. I had a Ratadrabik in play and Bartolomé as well. Once The Guard was a legend, I sacrificed it to Bartolomé. With Ratadrabik's dies trigger, the token copies generated entered as Tenth District Guards and not copies of the legend. The legend dies and doesn't revert to the Guard until after entering the gy but after it dies prompting the Ratadrabik trigger. Please address this bug. I lost nothing because of it but it should have created token copies of the…

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  20. Game keeps crashing whenever I cast spells

    Game keeps getting stuck whenever I cast spells, this has happened numerous times.

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