MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
1319 results found
UI is missing Daily Quests and Games Won wheel
After completing a match all the lower UI for daily quests, games, and mastery exp disappeared
2,697 votes -
Unable to Login - Authentic failed for "username"
Unable to Login - Authentic failed for "username"
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1,470 votes -
bronze tier 0
saw some other people had this problem but no solutions, stuck at bronze rank 0 and no way to rank up. any updates to this problem?
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Bug Bronze Tier 0.png 574 KB -
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974 votes -
I can´t instal mtg arena
I can´t instal mtg arena passed 13/03/2020
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arena 1.PNG 867 KB -
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Arena Asset.jpg 106 KB -
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846 votes -
Draft recorded a loss for a canceled game
I canceled my game before queuing to make an adjustment, and it successfully canceled the game, but still recorded a loss for me.
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753 votes -
613 votes
Error Updating Data
The game is stuck on startup.
It says : "Error Updating Data - Please check your connection and try again".Obviously my connection work just fine. I think this is a bug.
Thank you for your time and patience
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590 votes -
Sparky homepage
After today's update every time I return to the homepage on Windows, Sparky appears and starts talking "Congratulations on completing spark rank..." I have tried listening to the whole speech and following sparky to the codex etc, restarting the game, as well as uninstalling.
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562 votes -
network error - unable to get collection
Can't get in to the main user interface. Can't attach a log when no access to the main menu.
Error displayed: Network error - unable to get collection.
The client asks either to reconnect, log off or check Arena status server (all operational).
Restarted my PC, restarted my internet modem+router. Still same error.
I logged in earlier 6 hours ago, no such problem.
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499 votes -
Freeze and crash of the general client user interface on PC following the September 12 update
Following the September 12 update, the download of the update seems to have gone well. However, the game interface freezes as soon as I try to go to the Packs or the Store pages, or when I try to click on the quest renewal. The game freezes and it's no longer possible to access the menus, even if it's just to close the game. The bug concerns a PC platform.
374 votes -
Card Selection disappeared during Draft
In my first Strixhaven draft, I had 3 cards left in (i think) pack 2. I tried to select the only one on colour, but the card disappeared instead. My choice wasn't locked in, and the gap where the card was just had nothing in it, so it wasn't simply a visual bug (clicking where it was yielded nothing and I was forced to auto pick another card).
I've included the log if that helps. As I say it was pick 13 in either pack 1 or 2. The card I tried to select was Serpentine Curve, which was the…
346 votes -
waiting for server
game loads and then stays stuck with a black screen saying "Waiting for server". Its been happening for the last two days. a friend has the same issue for a week now..
My internet and laptop are fine; this is an issue with arena..
Please help
312 votes -
Color Challenge stuck on resume
I have completed all the color challenges, but a recent update that made some changes to the tutorial and the "learn more" section of the game has now placed a "resume" option on my home screen. There is nothing to resume, and therefore this flag will not clear. It's bugging me
266 votes -
Direct Challenge not working with new update
Most recent update rendered direct challenge impossible. The deck selection screen is bugged out and won't let you choose an appropriate deck for your format. For example, we want to play brawl but it's only letting us choose standard legal decks.
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Historic Brawl Doesnt Work.png 1398 KB -
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image_2020-10-22_211620.png 1238 KB
252 votes -
asset error
started a new update and all i get is a reoccurring "asset error detected" over and over
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Captura de Pantalla 2021-12-10 a la(s) 22.59.56.png 1615 KB -
Screenshot 2021-11-12 at 12.52.14.png 369 KB -
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Asset Error.jpg 74 KB -
Asset error detected loop.jpg 139 KB -
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Schermata 2021-10-29 alle 15.43.54.png 479 KB -
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240 votes -
Obtained cards tagged as new but were already owned
cards already owned being tagged as new
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UTC_Log - 12-14-2023 22.22.08.log 391 KB -
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Dum arena 3.JPG 507 KB -
Dum arena 2.JPG 489 KB -
Dum arena 1.JPG 331 KB -
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Collection.JPG 230 KB -
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Magic The Gathering Arena Screenshot 2023.10.26 - 3191 KB -
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Magic The Gathering Arena Screenshot 2023.10.26 - 3191 KB -
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Magic The Gathering Arena Screenshot 2023.10.26 - 3191 KB -
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238 votes -
IOS app crash after SNC update
After SNC update the app keep crashing when open (IOS) reinstall fix the problem, but after close and reopen, the problem return
225 votes -
crash when selecting a deck
the system crash (afer 10 seconds) when i try to change the deck
PC Windows 10
French release
version : 2021.12.0.3961 (3961.902937)
I think this problem appeared since I activated the quest "Alchemy"-
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198 votes -
my friend list is not working
i see my friendlist dissapeared and also my name on the friendlist says username#12345 when i log out and then login my username corrects and says my id without the number... but if i close arena and reopen it it returns with the username#12345 name. and without my friends in any case
198 votes -
Turn off card / board animations
Now that Arena has a good player base, with some of them who are playing for a long time ago, i suggest, with a button on the interface, the possibility for the user to
switch off all the card animations / board animations.
For those like me who play a lot and since a while, we get tired of the same animations again and again and it would improve our game experience.
For those with little configurations it would perhaps avoid some crash and improve fluidity of the game.
Well. I see only advantages in this options doesn't you…
164 votes
- Don't see your idea?