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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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28643 results found

  1. Remove Digital-Only Cards from the Timeless Format

    The timeless format is a big step forward and many players, including myself are excited to start playing it.

    However, the constant pushing of digital only designs and pursuit of empty slogans such as "all cards on arena are legal" add nothing to the excitement and health of the format, many players would rather a true to paper experience with as little digital designs as possible.

    Please consider removing alchemy from Timeless.

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  2. 150 votes

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  3. "Invalid Deck: Deck Validation Failed" when styles applied (since BLB)

    Since BLB release (7/30), when trying to play with a deck where styles (cosmetics) have been applied, it results in a "Invalid Deck: Deck Validation Failed" error.
    1) Open Deck, select "Apply Styles" to apply all card cosmetic styles
    2) Go to play game (e.g. Standard ranked), error immediately appears in black box. Does not progress to game, you get returned to the deck.

    Platform: Mac OSX
    Workaround: The same deck works without issue if you remove all styles and don't try to apply styles.

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  4. Calamity, Galloping Inferno saddle triggers

    I saddled [Calamity, Galloping Inferno] with [Prickly Pair] and attacked an enemy planeswalker.

    See portions of the log around 4:46:17 PM (gameStateId 346-359):

    [137905] [UnityCrossThreadLogger]4/16/2024 4:46:17 PM: K74UNEOZYZC7VGWRSOXZWT42MM to Match: ClientToMatchServiceMessageType_ClientToGREMessage
      "requestId": 197,
      "clientToMatchServiceMessageType": "ClientToMatchServiceMessageType_ClientToGREMessage",
      "timestamp": "638488971777989364",
      "transactionId": "4e36666e-8624-4e8b-98b7-e84c8d546408",

    The correct behavior is for two token copies ("Repeat this process once") of [Prickly Pair] to ETB tapped and attacking, and for two mercenary tokens to be created as the token copies' ETB triggers resolve. That didn't happen.

    Instead, only one token copy (instanceId 308) was created. Thus, only one ETB trigger to create one red mercenary token (instanceId 312).

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  5. After the Alchemy: Bloomburrow update, the daily quest XP and the daily win XP are stucked and not increasing

    After the Alchemy: Bloomburrow update, the daily quest XP and the daily win XP are stucked and not increasing.

    At the beginning of the day, I was at Mastery level 32 and 750 XP. I have completed the 500 XP daily quest and the 10 daily wins for 25 XP each. I would have been at Mastery level 33 and 500 XP, but I only recived 25 XP for the first daily win and now I'm still stucked at Mastery level 32 and 775 XP (750 XP + 25 daily win XP).

    725 XP were not credited.

    Solve this bug,…

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  6. App crashing when trying to download data

    SEP 12, 2024
    Game crashed in the middle of a match on my s24 ultra. Tried to go back into the app but said an update was needed. Updated the app and went into the client. It says download an additional 6.46mgs. As soon as I click the download button the app crashes. Tried 10 times so far, cleared the data and cashe and even uninstalled. Still keeps crashing when I click the download button.

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  7. Tender Wildguide not stopping between phases

    When holding an instant in hand that could be cast with mana produced by Tender Wildguide, the game would automatically pass phases as though I did not have enough mana to cast the instant. This did not happen with the token version of the card, only the original copy.

    This was on PC 7/30/24 @1:15 PM PST
    Game Version 2024.39.0.6329.1081215

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  8. Obtained cards tagged as new but were already owned

    cards already owned being tagged as new

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  9. osteomancer adept forage does not work

    1. Have Osteomancer Adept on battlefield and no longer has summoning sickness
    2. Tap Osteomancer Adept to activate "forage" ability
    3. Have 4 or more cards in graveyard -- no food tokens on battlefield
    4. Choose a creature spell to cast from graveyard
    5. Attempt to select cards to exile to forage.

    Expected: Able to choose three cards from graveyard to exile to meet forage requirement

    Actual: Cards are treated as though they will be played instead of being able to select them and click Submit.

    Note: the ability does work if you have a food token to sacrifice

    Lost at least one Sealed game…

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  10. Tender wildguide not allowing to put counters on

    Tender wildguide wasn't allowing me to add counters to it. Only mana ability was allowed to work.

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  11. Sideboard

    When playing standard ranked best-of-three, I am unable to sideboard after game 2. I select the cards from my sideboard but they do not move to my main deck. I am playing 60 cards main, 15 side. I can sideboard after game 1 with no issues. If I select a card to remove from my deck after game 2, it does move it to my sideboard, but I still cannot add cards to my maindeck.

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  12. helm of the host

    Helm of the Host is giving me tokens of any creature equipped with any equipment card.

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  13. Experience

    Weekly experience rewards aren't rewarding any experience towards mastery. Upon completion of winning a game the counter of weekly experience ticks up, the notification appears, however no progress is logged towards the mastery completion. I play MTGA through my Android phone and don't use any other devices to play. The expected event is obtaining 250-275 experience per win, however none is added to the mastery progress after the notification appears, which claims that it has been. Screenshots attached of totals prior to winning a match, notice of reward given, and evidence of no reward recorded.

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  14. Cannot edit deck

    1. Go to decks
    2. Select deck to edit (Angels).
    3. click edit deck

    it just goes to wafting for the server message and loading

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  15. Freezes and crashes since last update

    I've done the 9.53Gb update this morning and since then I'm experimenting different issues on my account (mainly freezes and crashes but also some lags).

    Roughly : I connect, I try to click on the store or on the daily challenges if I want to modify them and the game becomes unresponsive. To the point I get a Windows popup asking me if I want to wait for Arena to answer or to quit. Waiting is to no avail so far, the game never comes back. I can play games (with 'waiting for server' lags sometimes), I can access…

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  16. Can’t sideboard

    I’ve been playing bo3 Timeless matches on iPad and I am unable to sideboard at all between games after the latest patch. I click on cards in my sideboard to add them and it doesn’t add them. After game 1 I am sometimes able to sideboard normally, but never after game 2. Sometimes I’m able to remove cards from the deck but I’m unable to add any back in, even the ones I’d just removed. When this happens all I can do is restart MTGA, which doesn’t fix the problem but it at least resets my deck to 60 cards…

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  17. Unable to sideboard in game 3 on mobile

    In a ranked Bo3 match, between games 1 & 2, I was able to access my sideboard and make changes to my deck. In between games 2 & 3 however, when viewing my deck and sideboard, I could not add cards from my sideboard into my deck by tapping them; I was able to remove (or add additional copies) cards from my deck by using the + and - buttons, but could not replace them with cards that were in the sideboard and not the maindeck- obviously though, I could not register fewer cards than legal, so I was unable…

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  18. Constant crashing after new update

    Whenever I log into the client after the recent 9 GB update I assume in preparation for Duskmourn, the client is very laggy. When I click on another tab such as the deck tab, or even whenever I hover over the daily quest reroll, the client freezes and crashes, without me having to click on anything.

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  19. Graveyard Priority Lag

    When playing (Bloomburrow Premier Draft, around 4-6pm on 7/30/23) and the other player has priority, I've been unable to click on the graveyard apart from seeing the top card. Once priority passes to me, or some other unknown period of time triggers, the graveyard is shown to me, even if several minutes/phases later. When it's my priority, I'm freely able to view their graveyard as normal.

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  20. Update download causing app to crash

    App crashes when trying to download the current update on Android

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